This question is for both guys and girls. Have you gone down on a woman while she was on her period? Did you find it arousing? For myself, I have multiple times with two girlfriends and loved every minute of it. The rusty taste was not the best though. Why I did it was for the intimacy factor and the fact that I would do anything to give my girlfriend pleasure. My girlfriends realized this and were quite impressed. I even painted my face a few times with her stuff. So what say you. Any opinions are welcome.
I have issued a few pairs of red wings, not on purpose tho. Sometimes shit happens, well not shit,,,,
I am entirely lesbian, it has happened, but my last partner had far too painful of periods to do anything but rest so it has been a while.
Yep I got my red wings.... And I must say it really differs between girls my ex gf I never really liked to eat her on her period bud my current gf tastes so nice on her period almost no difference from when she is not even though she bleeds a lot more than my ex....
Never done it. And thankfully I've never dated a girl (wife included) who was into that kind of thing. I consider that a blessing as the thought of doing that I think would just totally scar me to ever wanting to go down on a woman again.
I think I was 17 when I earned mine. Never any thought about it. We wanted to have sex. As a guy, I nothing much really bothers me. IMHO, it has always been up to the woman I was with as to if she was comfortable with it. Sheets can be washed. Big deal. Not an extra turn on for me either. Just circumstance.
iriegnome, the topic here is would you go down on a woman while she's menstruating, not would you have sex with her. I think most guys would have sex with a woman when they are bleeding...
It doesn't gross me out when my girlfriend is on her period in the same way it doesn't gross me out that she pisses and shits like everyone else. But I don't feel inclined to eat her shit or drink her piss and I don't want to drink her blood either.
I earned mine before I lost my virginity!! For me, it is just a part of the whole sexual being. No special turn on about it. No big deal either way for me..
I dont see any problem. Use a menstrual cup and you could enjoy licking her sex without worry about blood.
Yeah got mine a few years ago, wasn't planned, I went down on her, she hadn't realised that she had started her period.