Hate Rising(Documentary) - Homeless Man Beaten In The Name Of Trump

Discussion in 'Random Thoughts' started by StellarCoon, Dec 10, 2016.

  1. StellarCoon

    StellarCoon Dr. Professor

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  2. Meliai

    Meliai Members

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    Trump supporters are worse than Trump himself

    Always wondered how dictators are allowed to rise to power

    Now i know it is because of clueless, hateful idiots like this
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  3. Wu Li Heron

    Wu Li Heron Members

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    A study of the rise of Nazi Germany concluded that the extreme authoritarian way in which Germans commonly raised their children explained why at the Nirenberg Trials they all used the same defense of, "I was a good solider, I followed orders and did my duty." These are not just idiots, they are conditioned from an early age to either submit to authority or impose it themselves which rewards those with the most anger and hate with positions of authority. Trump is such an idiot, a huge professional wrestling fan and reality TV star, he has no clue of the can of worms he has opened up.
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  4. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    i don't know how much trump realizes or doesn't, but odds are pretty good he's far from entirely ignorant of what he's doing. if anyone doesn't understand the significance of what is going on here, they need to read how krystal knockt was organized. there is a document online, either j street or holocaust museum, one of them, that details how deniability was created for the government officials involved. and its basically the sort of thing we're seeing, although the big putsh hasn't come yet. i see no reason not to expect it to. perhaps shortly after the inauguration.
  5. Pressed_Rat

    Pressed_Rat Do you even lift, bruh?

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    The only real hate I see that's rising is in butthurt liberals who didn't get their way. You know, the same George Soros funded idiots who riot and burn shit down because so-called democracy did not work in their favor this time. The same limp-wristed weaklings who run to their "safe space" whenever challenged with facts they're unable to refute.

    And as if the controlled corporate media (like CNN) isn't notorious for their incessant race and hate-baiting.

    Most of these incidents liberals would have you believe are happening everywhere are extremely isolated, highly exaggerated to push a political agenda, or made up altogether.

    I find it more than a little hard to believe that hatred all of a sudden exists which hadn't before, all because a certain person was elected. It's asinine, and you'd have to be pretty fucking dumb to take it at face value.

    It never ceases to amaze me how utterly stupid people can be, and that includes people on both sides of the political spectrum.
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  6. newo

    newo Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Oh the hatred was always there, but Trump is making it acceptable again. And the number of incidents is on the rise. This article is from the New York Times, and granted they're at odds with Trump, but here it is http://www.newyorker.com/news/news-desk/hate-on-the-rise-after-trumps-election .

    Divide and conquer. When Trump fails to live up to his promises I expect him to blame liberals, blacks, Muslims, Mexicans and anyone else who opposes him. Then we can expect fighting in the streets.
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  7. These incidents will continue to be sporadic, I think. Anti-racists hold the power in this country, and I don't see any real means for the small minority of people who are racist to seize it. The comfortable norm in this country is a harmonious mix of races. Nobody wants a huge bloody race war. It's not worth it.

    I don't think the election of Trump was evidence of a majority of racist Americans who are willing to maim others in order to achieve their goals. Trump will come out and say over and over again if he has to that he doesn't condone this as well, because it won't be condoned by the vast majority of Americans. Stephen Bannon is the worst of it, and he isn't going to be allowed to spout racist nonsense. No one in Trump's cabinet is going to be allowed to do that without huge backlash. And if the xenophobic racists seriously want a fight with all of the non-racists in this country, all I can do is laugh at their blunder.

    The only group I'm worried about is the Muslims. If there's another huge terrorist attack, I can see Americans turning on them, especially due to the fear that Donald Trump has created of them. Hopefully the left will do a thorough enough job of getting it through people's heads that Muslims aren't all crazy terrorists before that happens.
  8. Wu Li Heron

    Wu Li Heron Members

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    Russia insinuating itself into American politics reflects the fact the internet infrastructure as we know it needs to be entirely replaced, but the optical quantum technology won't be available for another decade at least. Everybody is hacking the US and vice versa, and being able to do so is similar to being able to control the weather which can manipulate prices and affect the economy. Its an entirely new game of international bullshit flying in the wind and turning hacking into a weapon in a game of cutthroat poker. We already have the optical comb technology to begin doing the kind of multiplexing we already do with phone calls, but not the ability to sort out a single call at the other end of the conversation. Already the first quantum cellphone cryptography is available and NYC has announced they intend to eventually flood the city with infrared terahertz technology that can invisibly penetrate walls and provide over a terabyte per second bandwidth, which, is enough to do real time virtual reality like a Star Trek holodeck, but that's the one you pay for and another lower bandwidth is available for free. Theoretically, you also want local memory storage and the internet of things connected with encryption where, for example, a close location can provide the same streaming movie to multiple city blocks and the analog logic to organize it all the most efficiently is still being developed.

    This year, someone anonymously brought down Amazon and Twitter among others in what cryptography experts call a demonstration of power using things like baby monitors to produce a denial of service attack. That's the problem with the internet of things at this point is that we have neither all the hardware or logic to figure out how to accomplish it the most efficiently and with the highest security which are, quantum mechanically speaking, one and the same analog problem. Already this has prompted a new arms race based on artificial intelligence which is rapidly taking center stage as how to develop the required analog logic. A self-assembling quantum computer has been developed and should be built within a few years producing a full scale quantum computer and Microsoft has just announced they intend to produce a topological quantum computer which should provide fundamental insights into a theory of everything, with the rest of industry including Intel follow suit with their own approaches. The shit is about to hit the fan and Russia knows all they have are a ton of hackers and mathematicians that might be able to exploit other people's approaches. The Chinese are the tricky ones coming out with shit from left field. Its all related to what's called "Shannon Entropy" that currently rules the race for describing that which cannot be described, our ignorance, in information theory. What you don't know is important in both quantum mechanics and cryptography.
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  9. OldDude2

    OldDude2 Newbie

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    I don't understand the problem. This is the way normal Americans behave. It's the liberals who are unusual, but they've managed to repress reality for a while.
  10. StellarCoon

    StellarCoon Dr. Professor

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    This is complete nonsense.
  11. hotwater

    hotwater Senior Member Lifetime Supporter

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    Even little Cindy recently chimped-out in the name of Donald Trump

    [SIZE=26pt]Actress Susan Olsen fired from radio show after homophobic rant[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=13.5pt]Actress Susan Olsen — who played the youngest daughter Cindy on "The Brady Bunch" — was just fired from her hosting gig on an L.A. radio show over a homophobic rant she sent over Facebook.[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=13.5pt]The Donald Trump supporter[/SIZE][SIZE=13.5pt] co-hosted the show "Two Chicks Talkin' Politics" before she was dismissed by the station, according to reports.[/SIZE]



  12. newo

    newo Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    So beating a man with a metal pipe and then pissing on him is the way normal Americans behave. And if I find fault in it I'm repressing reality. Tell me, if I assault a Trump supporter am I behaving normally?
  13. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    What you want me to quit my life or something??
  14. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    appearantly a whole bunch of people in germany 80 years ago thought that way too.
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  15. OldDude2

    OldDude2 Newbie

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    Apparently carpet bombing foreign countries is also entirely normal. Whacking a guy with a metal bar then pissing on him seems trivial to me in comparison.
    Bush, Obama, Kennedy all had their turn ...... why pick on Trump ...... he's the new boy ..... so far I don't see him as responsible for anything.
  16. newo

    newo Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Your logic escapes me. We go to war and this justifies a couple loonies assaulting a man with a deadly weapon?

    I also don't see Trump as responsible for anything, in fact I expect he'll be the most irresponsible President ever!
  17. tumbling.dice

    tumbling.dice Visitor




    Thank god only white males are racists...
  18. NoHobo

    NoHobo Members

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    That's probably and most sober and rational thing I've ever seen you post.
  19. pensfan13

    pensfan13 Senior Member

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    I can find a hundred videos of people beating each other for stupid reasons.
    If Trump is the reason for this one then a cop being found not guilty is a reason for another. Yay propaganda.
  20. StellarCoon

    StellarCoon Dr. Professor

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    In the 21st century, after years of social progress, we don't need yet another reason summed to the existing plethora of reasons why people hate each other in this society, we don't need another leader stirring up and reviving antiquated philosophies that generate nothing but senseless clashes and baseless social division due to supposed 'tactlessness' or otherwise, we don't need demagogues to rile up the ignorant and emotionally disenfranchised masses by dangeling scapegoats in front of their eyes, falsely attributing to these the whole of national decline.

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