Has the legal conspiracy against crime gone way too far? How so? It has gotten to the point no one can pull off a heist anymore for big money! Are legal conspiracies against crime spilling over and effecting non-criminals? How so? It has gotten to the point there are cameras unwanted recording just about all of us minding our own business! Discuss!
i see postersaround the harbor instructed people to look out and be alert and report suspicious acts like.... boaters who appear lost boaters who appear under the influence people boarding on or off with duffle bags and backpacks "suspicious looking" boats ..... then with DARE, propoganda in the media, etc. the man is turning man against fellow man. divide and conquer.
9/11 which was a false flag has been used as the excuse for the NSA surveillance society. People are assumed to be guilty and most just accept it because they "have nothing to hide" and they are afraid. That is really sad. A society like this has been planned for a long time but only recently has the public had the technology to make it possible. Your smart phone can be hacked at any time and give an audio and video feed to the NSA. 20 years ago no one had phones. Fact is there are no "terrorists" from the Middle East. There are people from that part of that world that are not fond of western values but they are not capable of a 9/11 style attack on the most advanced military in the world. But people think they are and that makes them the most dangerous enemy. They can be used as invisible boogy men.