I am 24 years old male .I belong to a ethnic community.I was married few yeas agoAt that time I was 18 years old and my wife was 3 years younger than me.Early marriage is common in our community.it was an arranged marriage,During first few month of our marriage we could do physical contact.After few month wee did physical contact.The first time we had physical contact without any difficulty.She fully cooperated. Physically she is taller and well built then me.Even at that age she has developed body and she looks older than her age.I have herard from my friends that for the first time it will be painful so I should use oil and any other thing.But I entered her easily and quickly. .Even the first time she opened her legs easily and cooperated in all activities.There were no hairs in her private parts.At that time I had some doubt that she may have physical contact before. Because at that age the first time physical contac should not be so easy. I have heared that girls of 23/24 years old also pain during first sex. .After some time we went to a near by town for doing my work. Now we live in the town. One day during love making I asked her whether she has done sex before marriage ?.In the beginning she refused but after some time she said a teacher ( around 30) in the village who lived in her parents house to teach the children of the family has touched her breast.She was oldest among the children It was before the marriage.Later I found the photo of that teacher she has placed in one of her books,I accidently saw it.I suspect she has done physical contact with that person and she still has some liking for the teacher. .Otherwise why she has kept that person.If she didn’t like the techer then why she has kept the photo.? I think she has physical with the teacher because it was easy in her parent's house because, he lived as family member and there were always chances to do so..It was not much difficult for a 30 yo teacher to seduce a teen girl. Loose vegina and the photo of the person are proof that she has done physical contact.
Can I ask you why does it matter really? If anything happened before you were together then who cares. And no offense but shes stuck with a guy that she didnt have a choice on before, maybe she masturbates to compensate for lack of pleasure/enjoyment in life. On the for real though, she keeps that shaved for somebody.
It's very common on the subcontinent to wax off all body hair prior to a marriage. So, that's to be expected. If she's bigger boned than you, virginal penetration might not be so very bad. It's not fun, but if you used oil and what not, maybe it was easy enough. I know in my sub community women are not to make noise on a wedding night. So, even if it hurts, no complaining.
Frankly I'm concerned that you married her when she was 15. I agree with another poster- why do you care if she had other partners. Did you have other partners? You have been married about 6 years. Let it go and focus on your marriage. IT was an arranged marriage, so are you surprised that she's possibly not in love with you and in love with someone else? You are married, so why not focus on being a good husband and ensuring she's happy? Put your marriage first and perhaps she will see that you are a good person and make the effort as well. Maybe she will fall in love with you, maybe she won't. It's a risk you take when you are in an arranged marriage. I would be concerned that an adult (30 year old) was possibly having sex with a 15 year old, but since you were 18 when you married her, I'm not sure my morals are the same as your community. I would think that any community that had arranged marriages (and so young), would take steps to keep their daughters virgins, so it seems odd that they would have a 30 year old male living in the house with them. Not all women experience pain during their first time.
i'd talk about this with other mature members of your community. and also assault the teacher. even if he just touched her breast that is still inappropriate for a teacher. the fact that she keeps a picture of him, is perhaps even more frightening. ^^ if that happened in public schools the teacher would go to prison for a loooooooong time.
That is only proof that you have a small dick. But you are a big dick if you think it is proof and if it matters at all to you.