So, yeah, I'm up to episode seven of watching Season Six of GOT, and last night he and dw are watching episode seven, and I'm drifting off and realizing, as The Imp drinks wind and tries to tell a joke, why the fuck is this so boring? I've realized as I watched the first seven episodes over the past week on DVD that very little had happened in the entire season. After Jon Snow coming back from the dead. Which was a no brainer anyway, right? We were even gypped out of the great castle seige fight with Jaime. When they surrendered. The whole iron isle subplot is boring. Sansa is boring. Had this once great show jumped the shark? Are it's best days behind it? I'm finding it to be more than possible. And am also finding it hard to care about any of the characters. Though, I sure would enjoy seeing Sersei get killed. And, this is just me, I know, but I cannot stand the dragon mother. She's like a little girl playing dress up. She ruined the last Terminator for me too, btw. Since it's getting obvious she's gonna sit on the Iron Throne, and every time I see her I want to punch her in the head, I'm not sure I'll pursue got after I finish this DVD. Though, I have it on inside knowledge the show will last for two more seasons. What say you? Do you also think Thrones is now boring? Thanks.
This is pretty much how I felt about this show from the beginning. There's really no television that I like other than NFL football and a couple PBS shows like NOVA
I'm just getting into the first season. I never care about any of the characters anyway so it looks like it may be fitting.
I still think it's the best show on TV. "Insider knowledge" on two more seasons? lmao, everyone already knows that.
My favourite character was Dog, so havent been as excited about the show since his demise. Its still better than 99% of the shit on TV however
I agree there isn't much good stuff on TV these days but this series is pretty interesting with a lot of different story lines. Keeps me entertained at least.
It's a thread about GoT. There are going to be spoilers here. Perhaps watch the whole series, then read the thread?
Arya's story arc was so anti-climactic, could have been awesome, secret ninja training, but then it just fizzled and didnt mean anything
A man tends to agree somewhat. A man harbours similar thoughts around the concludings of the story of Hodor.
Yeah, I admit that one cool thing about this Season was finding out how Hodor got his name. That was sheer brilliant writing! ("Hold the door!"). And, yes again, it's funny that right after I made my OP here on how boring Season Six has been, I watched Episode 8 last night! One of the best battle depictions of all-time as far as the whole swords and sandals genre goes! That clash between Jon Snow's and Ramsay's two armies. And I gotta admit, I still cannot stand Danaryas, but those fucking Dragons are awesome. They're all she has going for her. Without them she's a little girl playing dress-up who needs her unibrow trimmed. LOL. So now after the great Episode 8 I'm pretty confident the final two episodes will end with a bang, in true Martin style, and make me get fucking HBO next month in time for the final two seasons. Bastards. LOL Cheers/
I think he meant hold the door was dumb. I thought it was dumb too But you I think he meant he thought "Hiold the Door" was dumb, I too thought it was dumb You are right about episode 8 though. More awesome than anykind of sword and shields type movie they put out for 10 times the cost. Guy Ritchies King Arthur is out at the moment which is getting panned as a stinker for the non measly cost of $175 million, this one GoT ep at probably $10-15 million I'm sure shits all over that
A man takes a man's comments. A man does not understand the true meaning of a man's comments. A man had reservations about the concludings of Hodor. A man thinks leaving the explanation for Hodor in the realm of the unknown lends itself to better writing and alludes towards greater mystery. A man thinks a man's portrayal of the character was often over cooked, and a man would have been better resisting the inclication to infer meaning in the pronunciation of "Hodor". A man would be better just saying Hodor. A man prefers monotone for a man's role. A man has strong sexual feelings for a woman who rides dragons.