So it was my second time every doing shrooms. the first time i had about a gram and a half not too much happened felt pretty good did it with 2 other buddies was kind of disappointed. a week later i decided i was going to do an eight with my friend kyle and i barely ate anything this day but was not to worried. kyle ate his on the car ride i ate mine when we got to his house about 20 minutes i was already tripping harder than he was things were wavy i felt like i was going to puke, then i started to feel better and was tripping pretty hard. my other friend tim came over and we went to smoke a bowl in kyle's room i took about 2 hits and then i had a bunch of what i thought were crazy dreams but how i remember them they all happened in reverse. what happened first but i thought happened last and was a dream i was freaking out in kyles room screaming for water i thought i was going to die, i was having all these profound realizations about life and my friends were really upset that i was tripping this bad in his house, then it got insane my friend walked downstairs and came back up and had the same conversation with my friend like 30 times in a row my friends said i kept screaming kitchens, kitchen cabinets, and painting walls, the loop started to go faster and faster and i thought the world was all about fighting and as the loop got faster i thought i was going to die and was becoming an old man after what felt like a hundred years, then i floated out of my body i thought i died from a heart attack, satan was using my voice to talk to me and saying i was going to be punished and i saw complete darkness and he crushed my body and felt like my heart was being stabbed then i went into another trip where i woke up in a new reality and my life was all just a punishment because i fucked someone over in an alternate reality, then i was is kyles room again but in a different reality; my body felt like it was burning on fire and i was in a completely different body shape the objects in his room were all the components of everything, then i woke up from all that and the universe stopped expanding,my whole life was all my imagination and then my body turned into a new universe where i was expanding and twisting through the space time having incredible pain i muttered crazy sounds like ( bloooop bbeeee blooblobob) that were shooting out of me uncontrollably. the universe was being explained to me by some universal spirit that was using my voice to communicate with me all the sudden i was reborn in to a new universe where i was laying on kyle's hallway floor my parents and his mom was there she said magic mushrooms like 10 times i thought they were different universe people and they were trying to kill me i screamed fuck you over and over then the police came in and i started screaming its all over,its all fucken over, this is when things started to calm down, i was reborn in what looked like a hospital and i thought they were aliens testing my body, finnaly i was back into a comprehend-able universe but i thought i was dreaming a nurse came in and was like are you ready to talk and how much cocaine did you do, i didnt answer because i thought it was a dream my parents walked in and this was when i realized i was not dreaming i was in the intensive unit of the hospitle and only remember the part of me freaking out in kyles room. it has been about a month since then and every couple days i start to remember more and more of this insane trip nothing like this has ever happened to me im 18 years old and it changed my life forever has anyone had anything even close to this happen and why did it? could i be allergic to them or what? sorry if it is confusing some of the things just cant be explained with words.
I've only eaten shrooms once (I was about your age), and me and the dude I split the bag with almost killed each other having fun, lol. I'm no expert. But as long as I'm here, I just have one question: Did you ask the docs if you died? Just last week I read a story someone posted about the moving throught universe, and the black void trying to pull him into it (hell).
If you go back and edit your post and make a few paragraphs with that it'll be easier to read and more people would probably read it and reply. I did read it all but just some advice. No, I've never had anything that bad happen to me on shrooms... On shrooms the worst that's happened to me was I'd start to have a "bad trip"--- usually just things like, if I was wearing a tight necklace, starting to feel like it was chocking me and I'd have to take it off and just feeling my heart racing too fast (a lot of anxiety), but at that point, the difference for me between mushrooms and acid is that with mushrooms I've always been able to get myself out of that mental state and into a positive light...usually just by going outside if I wasn't already and taking some deep breathes and focusing on something simple and positive ("look at the beautiful sky... it's such a pretty night"....deep breathes...deep in positive energy...) and by doing that I've always been able to get myself into a lovely trip on shrooms (with acid if I had started going into a dark place it was always much harder for me to "get out"...).... In any case, I think your environment had a lot to do with what happened to you.... for example, your friend getting mad at you for tripping so hard in his house and things like that. If you would have taken care of the setting and vibe (or if your friend would have helped you with that!), you would have been able to get out of it... I assume anyway! To be honest, I really don't know what happened to you... Do you know why the nurse would have asked you how much cocaine you did?
about the cocaine i forgot to finish that part they thought i might have done cocaine that day to but i did not i did cocaine the day before that and that did not have to do anything with it
i am really looking for someone to relate to this it is more intense than any dmt trip i ever heard of im starting to think i really did die or my soul left my body i was an atheist before this and i want to know if anyone has ever had anything like this happen to them in a near death experience or dmt trip or anything
thank you for the opinion about the void after it was over it almost seemed as i was being taught all the alternatives of death, and more i was shown what would happen if Satan sent me to hell, if when you die everything is over, and then back to the real world i never got to see a heaven it was all bad besides when i was in the hospital where aliens were testing me i was scared but i felt safe and out of the burning crushing pain
tldr i have done what i would consider a lot of mushrooms. the most i ever did was 7.5 and that was with no tolerance. i had a lot of just absolute confusion and this persistent sensation of free falling. it wasn't fun, it wasn't bad, but it was kind of difficult.
I had a near death experience-comatose for 29 hours in the hospital and very, very odd things happening to me mentally during that time... when I was 18 years old and took something that was sold to me as acid. I do not think it was really acid though- though I couldn't tell you for sure what it actually was. Anyways, I will write a bit more about it later (or better yet, I'll later on that is, look for this other thread to show you, where I posted a bit about it already..).
that would be very appreciated ive been asking others about there NDE's but they all have to do with a very comprehendable hell of real creature like figures or a heavenly light where they are at bliss. this was the most horrid thing to ever happen to me and i am getting extreme flashbacks today that is why i am writing about it. the doctors just told me the enzymes in my heart were extremely high and my kidneys were shutting down. my heart could have been that way because i was extremely violent and convulsing why this was happening and i was drenched in sweat foaming from the mouth
Wow... I had stuff foaming from my mouth too, I was told by my ex who was with me when what happened to me happened- I actually found out years later that he had to perform cpr on me, which I hadn't known for a great many years... well, it's a shame you have too few posts to be able to send and receive pm's because I can see this is something that is really bothering you (and I can understand me!!), and I'd like to share with you my whole experience so you can compare it to what happened to you (and I am also, even though this happened to me 15 years ago, very interested in also talking to people who have had something similar happen to them as well)... but it would be pretty long. Well, I guess that is fine if it's long and in this thread- (if someone else doesn't want to read it they can just skip over my post) In a few minutes I will start to type up here what my experience was like... oh, and I defiantly know what you mean by the flashbacks... if your experience was anything like mine, I'll let you know that the flashbacks I had were VERY intense for about a year... and, if you're like me in this, don't even try to even smoke weed for a while, because it will bring you right back to that loop. The good news though is that it does get better (much better), to the point where you can (almost) look back on it and learn something from it... but even if not the learning you can at least look back on it without fear of slipping back into it....
ive smoked weed a few times and been fine just a couple times ive had anxiety attacks but drinking is always great however i cannot smoke weed anymore because i am in outpacient center which is basically like rehab where you get to leave and am in AA
Okay zarontuss... Good luck w the outpatient center and meetings. (and yes, I know exactly the type of place you are talking about)... is this something you wanted to do to get into recovery, or is this something you were kinda forced into (by family, or who ever) because of your experience with having to go to the hospital for that experience? In any case, here is the thread that I had started to talk about what happened to me... but I'm just going to re-type what happened here anyway, but I'll link to this thread in case you feel like reading (I think the main part of what I said is on page 2 of the thread) about it a bit in the meantime....
Dude you just had a good strong trip, nothing more, nothing less. Nobody in recorded history has died from magic mushrooms so put all that silliness out of your head right now. Flashacks from shrooms? no, you simply went through an emotionally stressfull experience. I'm willing to bet anything what you are experience is PTSD. Whatever the doctors are telling you is going on with your heart and all, it's not from psilocybin mushrooms, that much is for sure. Funny that they tested you for drugs (most likely how they knew about the coke) but failed to notice the psilocybin. And you should slap whoever the idiot is that took you to the hospital. Maybe you should do more research and get too know the substances you are taking better before you have another episode like this. Mushrooms are notorious for being variable in strength. You just simply got your ass handed to you by the mushroom. Join the club; (one of my last mushroom journeys) don't do yourself more harm by over-obsessing about it, trust me, I've been there done that. Just relax and take away the positive lessons you were given. and remember, psychedelics demand respect.
Okay, what happened to me was, I had bought and took 3 blue gel tabs that were sold to me as acid (as mentioned before, I do not believe it was acid, or if it was it had to have been some kind of dirty- or not properly made batch), but in any case... I took those 3 hits and not much happened for what seemed like the longest time... then all I remember was, first I was at an arcade w my ex and and colors started to get brighter- things just started looking a lil different and I started getting the initial speedy feeling of tripping... then we left to go to the local fair... I do not remember anything after being in the car on the way there, but apparently in the car I started freaking out on my ex- screaming when looking at him and trying to break through the window to get out of the car... at this point (for some STUPID reason!), he took me to the fair anyway, where, I'm not sure what happened... I freaked out in the parking lot and an ambulance was called for me. Apparently I had some sort of seizure or convulsion and was foaming at the point and he told me years later I needed cpr but I don't know what really happened in all that... I do know that what I saw internally (because I saw nothing externally for the next 29 hours) involved a lot of flashing lights and terror and I'm sure the ambulance played into this somehow.. next thing I remember from the real world, I'm waking up in the hospital, with a nurse and my mom there by me... So, during that time (29 hours I was comatose), (I do want to point out there that the overall feeling of this, even though I will talk about some positive and neutral things, was extremely negative)... two things were happening to me at once- 1 was that I was walking a straight line... I saw myself as a clown on stilts and I was being controlled by two unseen forces... I think I saw myself as a clown on stilts because I was not aware that I was being controlled by these "beings"- or, I would become aware at times and was somehow trying to walk, with these HEAVY stilts, despite these "forces" trying to impose their will upon me.. So, I was walking this straight line- trying to get to the end- to the finish line. While this was going on (everything that happened was simultaneous), there was also a circle. I kept going around the circle at both the speed of light and also incredibly slow at once...the circle entailed all there ever was and all there will ever be. One half of it involved everything negative and the other half was everything positive and then there was also neutral parts... I would (extremely fast and also painfully slow), experience all forms of pain and pleasure and every life experience during this circle... I went through my whole entire life, feeling each thing- each experience like it was in real time... I felt enormous pleasure, and also the feeling of "nothingness"... I felt my body bleed out of blood, I tasted and smelled simple things like a blade of grass..I experienced torture and just... ugly terrifying things that cannot be explained, only felt (and I hope to never have to feel them again...and mostly this part of it I seem to recall in more of a smell than anything else..)- but then there were simple, beautiful things like experiencing the laughter of a happy baby...anyways, so this was happening at the same time that I was this "clown on stilts" and somehow I was aware, yet I wasn't that I was trying to figure something out before something else happened if that makes any sense... and somehow (no clue how), the lottery played into this.. but I'm walking this line and experiencing this circle and it felt never ending and finally I get to the end of the line, about to cross "the finish line" and I figured it out (oddly enough I seem to remember Alanis Morrisette's "Ironic" in my head right around the point of getting ready to cross the line- which may explain the lottery part... as the lottery is sung about in that song...), figuring it out meaning... I'm not sure... I felt it was just "understanding"..the meaning of life, or what the circle and line entailed.. or both... not sure...and right as I was getting ready to put my foot over the line, I woke up. And there I was in the hospital.
And before I type my after experiences from this, I do just wanna point out to noxious gas (or anyone else!), that yes, I know psychedelics require respect...remember, this was in 1998, when I was 18... I am 33 now. (and I think I was sold something that was not what I was told it was..meaning wasn't acid, or was dirty acid!).... But anyways..
Afterwards, I went to go stay with my ex boyfriend (the one that was with me when this happened), because my mom kicked me out of the house over this...and I could barely have him touch me for weeks after because, for some reason, he was terrify me...meaning, I'd just have to look at his face up close and I'd pretty much start to trip right away. I went through about a year of extreme flash backs where I could not even smoke weed without going right back into "the loop" (the circle).. It was very terrifying actually... I remember being stuck in the loop one time after smoking a bowl.. just laying on the couch telling myself it was just a flashback and I'd get out of it soon... I was terrified to try any type of psychedelic for quite some time afterwards... I finally did, - the only thing that got me into taking acid again was candy flipping... trusting the positive experiences I had had with MDMA enough to trust that that would keep me in the side of light if I consumed lsd with it. And I had nothing just good experiences with MDMA + LSD. I, later on, did take both LSD and LSA--- years later-- and had good experiences..nothing even remotely similar to what had happened to me when I was 18. And nothing but wonderful experiences with mushrooms. I had spent much time in the 4 or 5 years after that experience when I was 18 talking to friends about what had happened to me...the line and the circle. Drawing pictures even and trying to figure things out. All I can say is, I never did figure anything out. I felt for the longest time that there was some great point....something I was to have learned....or something that I was shown through all that... but I have come to the conclusion that I'm either too dense to see what it was or there just wasn't a point- no great revelation to learn. That said, I am fine with that. I no longer have any fear from the experience. No flashbacks for a great many years now and I can look back on it as just something crazy that happened. But, for the first couple years after it had happened, it was something that really got under my skin quite a bit. That's it...that's my story. Don't know if it's in any way, shape or form helpful to what you experienced though.
thats pretty insane, mine was completely unworldly out of this universe the worst thing im having trouble with was when i was in kyles floor burning i was literally fused with the room and it felt like my body was burning at 400 degrees i also gained a new scene during this painful trauma the closest thing i could describe it to was in between smell and feel it was the worst thing that could ever be experienced i could never deal with going through this again but am glad it happened because i am enlightened
and my friends mom called the ambulance i destroyed my friends room and my eyes were rolled back into my head, i was drenched, was screaming SATAN, and pissed myself if you were a mom what would you have done
yes thank you for sharing and i am in outpacient care because i was arrested multiple times for paraphernalia and my probation officer found out about this shroom ordeal
Well, yeah, I'm sure I would have called an ambulance if I were her too. That's why I couldn't be upset about an ambulance being called for me either. I was freaking out....what are people supposed to do when you're totally in another place acting like that? In any case, I know what you mean about the "between scent and touch"... in that long thing I had posted I mentioned something about how "the worst thing I experienced I really felt most through scent".... (or some words along those lines...), but yes, I think I had the same exact thing happen to me there. In any case, I think for you, you just gotta kinda process it and forget it. It's over, ya know?