What was the experience like? Was is an accurate reading? I've never seen a psychic, but my mother went several years ago, and she said it was uncanny how accurate the psychic was in her reading and her knowledge of my mother and my mother life.
Some things can be guessed in context. For example, if some is wearing antique or very conservative clothes, the "psychic" may say something like, "you wish that you lived in an earlier time" There are also some things that are very general, but which people may think is specific to them. A "psychic" can also watch for your reactions, and just start feeding you things that you react to. I don't rule out the possibility that someone may have some keen intuition or "psychic" power, but there's definitely no shortage of bullshit
Rick, you made some very specific psychic predictions about a missing girl in Louisiana a while back that were completely wrong. I think you claimed to have gotten it completely right though after the fact. I see no evidence that you have psychic abilities.
I have a friend who is a seer. I've had his talent proven to me over and over again. He is also a doctor and he uses his abilities to help diagnose patients. Off course, he doesn't treat them until medical tests have shown their condition but it helps in knowing what tests to order. I've never asked anyone to read me so I have no comparison. I just know that he is spot on. I participated in a group reading of sorts once. It was a seance of sorts but not really a seance. Long story short - We just announced whatever we felt led to say. I said some things that came out of no where and people claimed them. They cried and explained exactly how what I said made sense. We all did it back and forth across the circle. I was skeptical until people started speaking and I realized they were speaking to me on behalf of my deceased father. The things they said made specific sense to me. I'm a believer but I'm skeptical of people who charge money for it.
Newbie- one I was still trying to understand what was happening to me. Actually I worked on that private psychic group and I hit on many specific things with case and many other cases. I need not to prove myself anymore my friend. I have helped thousands of people in need.
People look at one negative thing and they hold onto it. Look at all the positive things I have given so many. I give from my heart and spend many hours giving positive words to help a person that are having a hard time. To me that is a great path to be on.
If you are not charging money for your services, and people seem to benefit from them, I see no harm in it. So far what I've seen is evidence that your readings have no predictive value. As long as no one is led into making a bad decision based on a prediction, I have no objection.
One explanation is that you were channeling the spirits of the dead. Another explanation is that a group of people hoping to hear messages from the dead began to project meaning onto random bits of information. There are thousands of things that you might associate with a person. Put people in a group, seeking to find an association, and the chances that such associations are found become highly likely. I'm not ruling out the possibility of supernatural causation, I'm just saying there are more plausible explanations. In any case, if people feel a sense of solace from participating in such things, I wouldn't begrudge them that.
Again, the specifics is what rules out my skepticism. I'm not gullible. I don't look to be comforted by vague, general statements.
Well, if the statement was something like, "The combination to the green safe which I kept under my bed is 37-28-26", and there in fact was such a safe and that was the correct combination, that would be pretty specific. If someone instead said "Crab...Horseshoe Crab!", then someone in the group might have some memory about an experience with a loved one and a horseshoe crab. They might say, "Oh, [X] warned me not to get stung by the horseshoe crabs, but I went anyway, and he was so mad!". Then the "channeler" might say something like "he wants you to know that he's sorry about being mad at you, and hopes that you forgive him". Something like that could seem very specific, but isn't. Still, not in itself something harmful. It's also possible for someone to gather information about someone outside of a seance, which I think is something that is done if the seance is for $.
You're not offering a counter argument, you're just getting hostile. If it's just something that you don't want to debate, I can accept that, but you don't have to get pissy about it.
I'm not hostile and my experience isn't open to argument with you. I've told you several times that I'm not gullible; I'm a skeptic by nature; and still you persist in telling me that you know more about how it happened than I do. I'm not going to share specifics with you. If my word isn't good enough for you, then you need to get over yourself.
I haven't accused you of being gullible, nor have I said it is not possible that you had a genuine psychic/spiritual experience. I never said that I know more about how it happened than you do. I simply tried to demonstrate that in principle, there could be a conventional explanation for the experience of a seance.
Why are you even in this thread, Newbie? Ash put it in the psychic area and asked for comments from people who had had experience with a psychic. I don't see that your comments are on topic.
I was responding to the issue of accuracy of readings raised in the OP. I am content not to post any more on the thread