Harvesting Morning glories

Discussion in 'Exotic Psychedelic Plants' started by backtothelab, May 13, 2004.

  1. backtothelab

    backtothelab Senior Member

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    I have two flowers, begining to bloom. they are'nt open yet. How long will they take to open? At what stage do they need to be at when i harvest.
    Quick reply, if possible, i dont wanna be picking these things out of the dirt. I might just let these seeds fall and sprout, and ill get the next batch
  2. TreePhiend

    TreePhiend Member

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    Make sure you cross polinate them with a q-tip or something like that. Just wait until the flowers die and they form mature seed pods. You know the seed pod is mature when it stops growing.
  3. backtothelab

    backtothelab Senior Member

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    thanks. How long till they mature and form pods, do you think
  4. TreePhiend

    TreePhiend Member

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    I don't know I've never grown them myself, I just know a little about plants. A week would be my guess.
  5. opticalpromise

    opticalpromise Member

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    morning glory flowers bloom early in the morning. they usually put out dozens of flowers every morning in the summer months. each flower will have a seed pod will grow in its place. you harvest when they are brown and dry, the pods will easily break open and little black angular seeds will plop out. it actually takes a long time for seed pods to mature , you generally do most of the harvesting at the end of the season when most of the plant is dry and dead anyway and all the pods are easy to see.
    . ive have had the problem of frost killing my plants before many of the seeds pods had a chance to mature. then all i get are a bunch of green pods which when peeled have wet soft pale immature seeds inside.

    you dont need to pollinate, nature's pollinators do it for them.
    try to get as many morning glories growing, and if you have a frost deadline then get them growing as early as you can. plant them along a fence. the morning flowers are a glorious treat for the eyes, their name is very fitting.
  6. backtothelab

    backtothelab Senior Member

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    thanks man. yeah, the two flowers bloomed this morning, very pretty
  7. TreePhiend

    TreePhiend Member

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    True, if they are being grown outside you don't need to worry, for some reason I just assumed it was inside, but it probibally isn'.

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