
Discussion in 'Cult Movies' started by the highway terror, Aug 21, 2014.

  1. the highway terror

    the highway terror Member

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    Starring Dylan McDermott
    Cameo by Lemmy Kilmister
    voice over by Iggy Pop

    This one takes place in the future, Earth is a poisoned planet and civilization has degenerated to anarchy.
    People live in apartment blocks that have powered vault like doors living in a virtual prison

    A space marine comes home on leave he buys a junk robot from a drifter and gives it to his girlfriend an artist, she uses the parts to build a sculpture.

    Later,the marine leaves on business while the girl sleeps.
    unbeknownst to them the robot is an advanced proto type killing machine that can re-assemble itself and recharge it's batteries from any power source by touch alone.
    the robot causes an outage and the sleeping girl wakes to find herself trapped alone with the robot

    see this one
    I don't want to give the whole story away.
    it's well worth a watch, it's really trippy
  2. scratcho

    scratcho Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Saw it. Liked it.
  3. ultravio1et

    ultravio1et Members

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    the directors second film 'Dust Devil' is so much better
  4. ClaireMoon

    ClaireMoon Members

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    I haven't seen this yet but it's streaming on Netflix. Maybe I'll check it out.

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