happy, joy joy, happy happy joy joy..... and here you thought this was one of those "happy new years" threads didnt you? it's not, I just miss ren and stimpy Happy new years fuck heads
i'm sooooooooo fucked up. 2 blunts of some killer-iller, and about 6 shots of 151. happy new year jen
I had five shots of Jack's Old No. 7 two of cherry rum, a glass of wine, two Yeunglings, three or four bowls of some pretty good shit (big bowls, sink pipe size). I wish I had some 151, it's my fav. me and my one friend could down a bottle of that in a night, we'd probaly die but we could do it.
Ugh... I'd feel so bad after doing all that. I don't understand how anyone can manage to drink lots of different liquors and on top of that smoke pot at the same time. I can't handle any kind of alcohol and pot at the same time...
It hurts to take shots while high you feel the burn so much worse but other than that it don't bother me, my friend puked for three min. straight though