These are scary times for our people in places like Russia, Uganda, the USA and the UK. I understand the need of some to keep a low profile. I know that, for many trans people, being visible is not safe. For those people, I hope that one day it will be safe for you to be visible. For those who are able to be visible, thank you for being yourself. Being visible is the antidote to the hatred that is arising all around us. When people see us as normal, law-abiding neighbours who just happen to be trans, hatred gets no traction. May all of us be free some day so that a Day of Visibility can be an occasion for celebration.
Happy transgender day of visibility everyone. Even though right now it's dark just keep thinking positive and moving forward.
It's that time of year when those of us who are not under imminent threat of eradication bravely wave our flags to show the world that we still exist and we are not planning to go anywhere. Those of us who can will continue to be visible and audible in the hopes of defending those who are forced to hide themselves.