Wilsjane is a really cool dude who writes a lot of interesting posts. He is a doctor, engineer and ambulance driver rolled into one. Happy birthday.
Thank you for your compliment. To clear up any confusion, I studied as a student doctor in my younger days, but then moved over to engineering, where I spent 45 years in the film industry, I was chartered in 1981 and also did some design work for Heathrow airport and the UK national grid. During the recession, no money was being spent in theatre design, so I moved back into cardio thoracic surgery at the start of TAVI, My work was in research and equipment design, including fast beat that removes the need to stop the heart during aortic valve replacement. I am not licenced to perform surgery myself as a lead doctor. After retirement, I got a bit bored and London Ambulance offered me a job. However, they forgot to ask my age. 2 years later, they discovered their mistake and kicked me out. It was a very long story and a few heads rolled. Fortunately, HF seem to have welcomed me as their resident nutty professor,...... With the emphasis on 'Nutty'.
I couldn’t get out and buy you a real present my friend because of Covid-19. But at least I am trying. Very!
We love having you as the resident "Nutty" professor... I have learned a thing or two from you and am completely appreciative of your wisdom bombs.
Thank you all. I spent all day at home, replaced the taps in the bathroom and repaired our daughters hair straighteners. Little did I realise that they have more electronics than a mobile phone.