I hope you have a wonderful birthday! Also, Happy Birthday to all the February birthdays here, as well!
Yep, for one day there is......... no corruption, there is no global elite controlling and manipulating the executive, legislative, or judicial branches of government, the republicans are not trying to shut down the government, and the democrats are not manipulating the minorities to bend to their will, everyone is treated fairly and equally under the law, blacks and whites live in complete harmony working side-by-side to create a better world, the economy is doing great, the unemployment rate has dropped below 3%, our troops have pulled out of Afghanistan and Iraq, President Obama have achieved world peace, and pressed rat most pressing problem is deciding which girl in his office will have the honor of escorting him to the newest and hottest restaurant/nightclub in town Hotwater
LOL! He likes the girl in his driving thing...now....but she smokes, so he is still debating about it....LOL
Thanks everyone. I feel so old. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t1TcDHrkQYg"]Alphaville - Forever Young ~Official Video - YouTube