"Sedibus ut saltem placidis in Morte quiescam." ~~ Virgil The grave, the barrow, or the earthen urn What others shun! What others spurn! I've sought remission from To cast out the pallid rays of the Sun Phoebus, he doth the brightest star decree of those just desires of Man Yet, to myself, these are but tears of Despair Each a dream that sets light to my pyre I'd like to lay in a field of poppies Or, to wander in certain hills and groves Where, there that magic revived that magic that died That composed the river's song Or, made the trees to dance In the wind, or the fury of Gods Or, what made the Sybil to prophecy And love to be naught But innocent beauty Would'st bring tears of Joy to my eyes And deliver to my soul Its long lost repose