
Discussion in 'Fashion and Crafts' started by lucyinthesky, Aug 31, 2005.

  1. lucyinthesky

    lucyinthesky Tie Dyed Soul

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    i know it's early, but i have to get dressed up for approximately 15 (if not more) days of october so i've already got the halloween bug. I'M SO EXCITED! it's like my childhood dream come true. So far i know i'm going to be Alice for suuuuuuuure, and an 80's rock star. I need some other ideas, what do you kids think you're going to be for halloween? or what are some cool costumes you've dress up in in the past? Man i'm so stoked, i love halloween!!!
  2. lace_and_feet

    lace_and_feet Super Member

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    Are you dressing up for work? I'm excited about halloween too. I'm going to get some soft halloween fabric and make myself some super cozy pajama bottoms! But in terms of a costume...I've been thinking of being a pirate. (Pirates rock) You could be a pirate too, for one of those days.
  3. sweetersappe

    sweetersappe Member

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    My daughter decided she wants to be Mother Nature this year (last year she was Laura Ingalls, from Little House on the Prairie). I've got to get busy n her costume. It's going to be a green dress with sheer, sparkly green overlay. We are going to make a floral wreath for her head and twist vines around her with flowers and butterflies every so often. She will be so cute! My husband & I are going as a king and queen, if I have time to finish the costumes! I love Halloween!
  4. daisymae

    daisymae Senior Member

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    Over the years, I have been:

    -Catwoman (Michelle Pfeiffer style)
    -Wonder Woman...I won the "people's choice" prize in a contest :D
    -Daphne (old-school Scooby Doo style)
    -a mermaid....I made paper mache boob shells, and a dress that had a tail which I suspended from my wrist so it didn't drag, and so it had movement.
    -Shirley Temple, I made a babydoll dress with a crinoline.

    They all had wigs, except for the Catwoman, which had a full head mask.

    Last year, I made a Raggedy Ann costume for my mom. It has a cool rag wig I made from a thrift store sweatshirt. :D

    I also made a Pirate costume for my husband one year.....no one knew who he was, he loved it! Another year he was Mr. Potatohead. Full body costume with stuffed facial features....I made a huge bowler hat out of cardboard that he wore on his shoulders that had a space to see out of.

    These were my kids last year...

    Can you tell I love Halloween? :D This year my youngest wants a firetruck to wear...
  5. lucyinthesky

    lucyinthesky Tie Dyed Soul

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    lol! That airplane pilot outfit is THE BEST!!!!!!!!! I love outrageous costumes, like the potatoe head you were talking about. When i was in highschool, a buddy of mine and his friend dressed up as a clothes line.....they strapped 2 T shaped wooden poles to their backs, and between the both of them suspended 2 lines with clothes. It was amazing. They won for best costume that year....the next year, a couple of my other friends, and my math teacher, "dressed up" as 3 men in a tub.....they bought an old bathtub, put it on a plank of wood with wheels, filled the tub with water and bubbles and bath toys, got in, in their boxers only, and were dragged around school AAAAALL day in it. They won that year for sure....hahaha...

    I can't believe no one is responding to this!! Come on kids, halloween is SO FUN!!!! GET UR PUMPKIN PANTS ON AND GET IN THE GROOVE!!!!!!!!!
  6. mtnhighmama

    mtnhighmama Member

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    I usually go sacry/goth at Halloween. My wedding dress has been the base of my costumes for years now. :) I love wigs and lots of make up, and I made an awesome red cape a few years ago that finishes it all off. My hubby went as Rob Zombie and I was his goth groupie last year.

    At Shambhala, I dressed up as Gaia/Mother Earth. Just wore my wedding dress and wrapped leaves around me. Simple, but effective.
    I'm working on a rainbow cloak for an Iris/Rainbow Goddess costume right now, as well as a bonnet for my prairie girl costume. I love to play dress up! :) I want to make a feather head dress for my Native costume....I already have the moccasins and buck skin for a dress.
    I'll try to think up more ideas for you.....and me. ;)
  7. HippyFreek2004

    HippyFreek2004 changed screen name

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    I think I might go as a person from candycane land, you know from the game Candy Land....or maybe as a gumdrop girl...something brightly coloured, fun, and glittery...but I've never dressed up before so I don't know what to do...
  8. HippyFreek2004

    HippyFreek2004 changed screen name

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    ooo! ooo! I know what I'll do! I'll be the lollipop princess! I'll find a cheap yellow dress, attach yellow lollipops to the bottom, make a necklace out of yellow lollipops. Find a couple skeins of thick purple yarn and make a wig for myself that looks like the snail-curls....and then find yellow slippers...or get those house slippers in white, and dye them myself!
  9. Mr MiGu

    Mr MiGu King of the Zombies

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    im thinking i might go as a witch doctor
    perhaps ill shave my head to the skin, cover myself in wierd designs of paint, wear either some kind of cloak or grass skirt, hopefully find some interesting peice to stick in my septum, and carry around a staff with a horned skull on the end
  10. environmental_junkie

    environmental_junkie Member

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    oh boy what should i be for halloween?
  11. Mr MiGu

    Mr MiGu King of the Zombies

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    how come you get 15+ days of halloween, while the rest of us are stuck with only 1???
  12. peacelovebarefeet

    peacelovebarefeet BuRniN oNe...

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    a FAIRY!!!!!!!!!
  13. mrsmorrison27

    mrsmorrison27 yoda piss

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    OHH i love halloween! im thinking tinkerbell this year( i love her if u cant tell) i havnt been a fairy yet I LOVE IT!
  14. tigerlily

    tigerlily proud mama

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    i was bride of frankenstein one year with a funky wig that stood up and everything.. stuffed it with newspaper... i always liked that one. i was a boxer one year... blood on my wife beater and a blacked out tooth, with boxing gloves and all... hmmm... the rest were pretty last minute, dead person, vampire, etc kinds of things
  15. purplemoonbeams

    purplemoonbeams Member

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    This year: LILLIAN GISH!!! :-D

    2004: Nothing
    2003: Patsy from Monty Python & the Holy Grail
    2002: Roger Daltrey
    2001: A Mod.
    2000: Twiggy.
    1999: Can't remember.
    1998: Lol my friend Nicole and I dressed up as Britney Spears as a joke, 'cause we both hate(d) her.
    1997: Cat
    1996: Gypsy
    1995: Cat
    1994: Cat
    1993: Cat
    1992: Bride (I wore a white dress, veil, and carried a bunch of white roses)
    1991: Ballerina.
    1990: Can't remember.
    1989: Dalmation.
    I don't know if I was dressed up at all in 1988 (the year I was born).
  16. annabegins

    annabegins Member

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    i was thinking about going as go go yubari ( the little school girl in kill bill) id get to carry a weapon .
  17. daisymae

    daisymae Senior Member

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    Don't forget a cool mask...:D
  18. rosyposies

    rosyposies Member

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  19. Bella_Donna

    Bella_Donna *Femme Fatale*

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    Warning: Large Images Contained Hereafter!

    I adore Hallowe'en. Tis my favourite holiday. Two years ago, my man and I were Frankenstein and The Bride:


    And Last Year, we were Jack and Sally from Nightmare Before Christmas:​

    I have no idea what we're doing this year, there's been talk of Armand and Claudia from Interview with a Vampire. It's not definite, I really wanna do Marilyn one of these years.​

    Things I've Gone as in The Past:​
    ~A Pumpkin​
    ~A Crayola Crayon​
    ~Victorian Witch​
    ~Columbia from the Rocky Horror Picture Show​
    ~Stinky (from Casper)​
    ~Ariel the Little Mermaid​
    ~Bat (wo) man​
  20. celtgrrl

    celtgrrl batty woman

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    a friend of mine once did a halloween party where you had to come as a dead person AND their method of death. so my idea was for a bunch of us to go as victims of the jim jones guyana tragedy. i made buttons that said things like 'i love jim' and 'id do ANYTHING for jim'...and of course we had a container of grape kool-aid...

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