I haven't seen this asked, and maybe it's dumb.. But I normally shed a ridiculous amount of hair every day, I have tons and tons of curly hair. So, now I'm in the process of dreading. All these hairs that normally come out are going into my baby dreads, I assume since they aren't coming out all over the floor and shower.. Won't my head weigh a hundred pounds eventually? Is it possible to eliminate some weight once they are mature and growing or do I just live with neck compression? What do you guys do about this?
Won't lie. It gets heavy. I had neck issues before my dreads, so that didn't really help my own situation. Not much you can do except trim. About a year and a half ago the weight was kinda bothering me. I'd have to support my neck when I was washing them. They were about mid-back in length. I cut them down by 3-5 inches, depending on the dread. I removed a solid 3 oz of weight!! It felt fucking great and it was kinda fun to have shorter dreads again. I've been considering another trim for the summer. I've been having a swim-cap dilemma. I can buy swimcaps for dreads online but it's like $30 a cap. There's another dude around here that trims his dreads often as well. Poke around for his threads.
Okay, that's what I figured. I have neck issues too. I figured I'd never be able to wear super long dreads but that's okay. I have regular access to massage since I'm a therapist myself so I'll just get a nice head pull every so often if it bothers me.
I'd kill to have regular access to massage! My traps are so rock tight all the time, marble statues get jealous of me. I've thought about getting into massage therapy specifically so I can get freebies from my fellow students as we learn.
Oh man. Find a good therapist and do it regularly. It's life changing. For the first few years I was doing it, I was terrible and didn't get one often enough, now I have myself on a regular schedule.
I had one dread once and I found that having thin hair that is really straight makes it hard to hold dreads. kinda sucks because I find dreads to be amazing byt unfortunately my hair couldn't hold them :\