haha uh psyching myself into being high/weird?

Discussion in 'Cannabis and Marijuana' started by jojoeyes, Aug 24, 2005.

  1. jojoeyes

    jojoeyes kinda high

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    like i dunno. i was like bored earlier and i was looking through the medicine cabinet, googling things looking for something that wouldnt kill me and would do something goofy. i decided that was too much work and so i just downed a couple tylenoll...now everyone on aim says i'm really mellow.

    but i dont notice it.

    and like i'm writing out random babble. can a couple unneeded tylenol do this? or am i just psyching myself into this weird mood?
  2. outlaw immortal

    outlaw immortal Member

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    dude, you're going through a medicine cabinet, and you're popping random pills. you're fucked up in the head
  3. MagicMushrooms

    MagicMushrooms Member

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    Gotta watch out for that tylenol, its some hardcore shit. You might want to try something a little more mellow, like heroin.
  4. deadonceagain

    deadonceagain mankind is a plague

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    wow,ahaha dont worry ive been there man,when i was younger like 12 i thought i was cool and took something this kid said was acid and i said dude its realy not doing much hes man so your so fucked i was like i am then i started acting all weird,ahhh memorys of my stupied years when i took "drugs" to look cool and mature then i got my hands on real drugs, and grew a littile ahaha just a littile tho,but realy the fact your 15 makes it kind of sad i did that shit when i was like 12,just dont take random drugs man realy..
  5. WeeDMaN

    WeeDMaN a pothead

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    its placebo, try eating like 40 of em, that should do it :p If you believed that Im jus kidding. Dont pop pills, get like 30-40 bucks and buy some weed, your in Florida or sumthin liek that right? Weed is easy to find there from what I hear, and magic mushrooms grow in cow fields everywhere in Florida, less the season is over. BUt dont pick a random one study up first.
  6. porkstock41

    porkstock41 Every time across from me...not there!

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    please don't be an idiot.
  7. WishIWasAHippie

    WishIWasAHippie Senior Member

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    Yeah man, shrooms grow like fucking CRAAAAAAAAAZY

    My buddy works at Godiva Chocolate in the mall, so he can rent out the machines for a day and such if he wants...so he rented out some machine or another, got a TRASH BAG full of dried out shrooms, weighted out a bunch into 1/8ths and grinded them up, mixed the shrooms into chocolate and made bars out of them...so delicious and so tripppppyyyyyyyy
  8. Bassist

    Bassist Gate crasher!

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    Looking around the medicine cabinet for a damn buzz? That's just about as bad as a junkie. To be fair, at least they take real drugs.
  9. PLyTheMan

    PLyTheMan Senior Member

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    Dont do drugs. I tried to give you the benifit of the doubt in your thread about your plastic pipe, but this takes the cake. Your too young and ignorant to be doing drugs. The fact that you're rifling through your medicine cabinate and googleing random pharmecueticals and chemicals makes it obvious that you're too immature and dont have the right attitude to safe drug use. That attitude along with your ignorance is a danger to yourself.

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