haha codein

Discussion in 'Cannabis and Marijuana' started by -steve-, Aug 27, 2005.

  1. -steve-

    -steve- Member

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    Welll let me start why I'm putting this in the weed forum and not the pharm forum. Earlier today I was reading the forum about smoking pills, and I was reading the thing about binding pills. Any way my friend had some pills withCodein in it that his grand mother gave him and also some other shit like cafien and ancetaminophen or however you spell it, the stuff in tylonol(jesus i cant spell). Any way he took 8 of them and we were planing on extracting the Codien like how it said on erowid. Any way being lazy I snorted one and it was fucking horrible on the nose, smart I know. So then i crushed up the other 7 pills put them in tishue paper and swallowed them, that way it disolves quicker in your stomach and stuff. Haha anyway I know it was stupid but i did it anyway and know I'm here with a nice downer buzz posting shit on this forum. And tomorow I'm picking up a half ounce! I know it was stupid but i just dont give a fuck.
  2. Jack_Straw2208

    Jack_Straw2208 Senior Member

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    well, when you're running low on grass, you can always get a knife and stab your neck.. you trip balls..
  3. Peter Griffin

    Peter Griffin Member

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    or get a buddy to run you over...thats...the climax is totally worth it but you comin downs kind of a rush
  4. MamaTheLama

    MamaTheLama Too much coffee

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    ugh...codiene gives me a stomach ache.
  5. deadonceagain

    deadonceagain mankind is a plague

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    wow thats exactly what i bitch about stupied people doing stupied shit,this is why drugs are illegal
  6. -steve-

    -steve- Member

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    Man who cares I didn't get sick or anything, not even in the slightest. It wasn't near as good as smoking weed though not even close.
  7. Jack_Straw2208

    Jack_Straw2208 Senior Member

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    ....or not...
  8. Jack_Straw2208

    Jack_Straw2208 Senior Member

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    well then, i think thats a message from god. i think you're ready to take it to the next level. go find a filet knife!
  9. adoutsider

    adoutsider Member

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    I hope you OD and die.
  10. Trippin' Billies

    Trippin' Billies Senior Member

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    agreed... peter griffin, go start another post asking if melatonin, advil, nitroglycerin (sp?) and other stupid shit can be used for recreational purposes... sorry, just had to get that off my chest
  11. inbloom

    inbloom as the crow flies...

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    Who the fuck takes pills? That's just pathetic and stupid. Hey, here's an idea...how about you go huff some paint?!

    What some people will do for a high...
  12. Jack_Straw2208

    Jack_Straw2208 Senior Member

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    weeeell, back in the day, you could find acid in the form of pills... you can get mescaline in a pill form, they have THC pills, all sorts of stuff...
  13. inbloom

    inbloom as the crow flies...

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    To me, it just makes sense to stick to things that only grow naturally from the Earth. I.E. Weed, shrooms, peyote, etc.

    And yes, that means I'm ruling out acid. To me, the whole idea behind an acid trip seems cool, but I just don't like the idea behind the drug itself. I mean, it's chemicals. And the reason you get so fucked up, is because they go straight to your brain, and fuck with your brain's natural chemicals. And to me, that idea sounds no smarter than drinking Lysol to get drunk.

    Shroom highs do me just fine, thank you.
  14. Jack_Straw2208

    Jack_Straw2208 Senior Member

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    well, the way shrooms, weed, peyote, etc. work, is that you eat them (smoke the weed), the chemicals in the consumed substance are absorbed into the blood stream (through both lungs and somach), which goes to the brain, delivering the chemicals from the substance to your brain, thus changing the levels of your natural brain chemicals.

    so eating a pill affects your brain the same way eating mushrooms or cacti does.
  15. StonerBill

    StonerBill Learn

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    please, dont come in to this forums critisising anyone again. youve lost credibility on this matter. along with the other people who seem to think that the chemicals that grow in plants are more healthy than those made in a lab, regardless of the actual effects of such chemicals on the human body.

    otherwise, why not go take some datura mixed with hemlock and perhaps even some snake venom, that comes from mother nature.

    youd also be very unwise to take vitimins.

    and i hope you dont eat anything thats not grown in nature without the treatment of anything artificial (where do you find all your food? you must be rather resourceful).

    and make sure not to take medication such as asprin, or arthritis reliever when you get old. dont forget that you cant drink tap water either.
  16. inbloom

    inbloom as the crow flies...

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    The fuck's up your ass?? Where in the hell did I criticise anybody, except for stating that taking pills for a high is stupid?? Do you disagree?? Please, enlighten me O' wise 17 year old. Tell me what your vast life experience in these matters has taught you. I stated my opinion regarding taking something like acid and/or pills, and that is that. My original problem wasn't even with acid at all. I stated, (rather civil I'd like to think--with the exception, maybe, for the comment 'to me, that idea sounds no smarter than drinking Lysol to get drunk' for which I apologize) that I just have no interest in acid. It was stupid shit like pills, that I went after. And say what you will about me "criticising", I will never look at people who take pills, huff paint, take heroin, etc. as wise. Those are highly unhealthy, unintelligent life choices.

    And fucking don't even TRY to compare acid to food and vitamins. Jesus Christ, that is the stupidest thing I've ever heard. For your information, I don't take vitamins, and I don't take things like Aspirin or Tylenol. Thanks to my diet (a rather strict vegan diet) I hardly ever get sick anymore. Therefore, I don't need them. I'm eating things that are grown NATURALLY FROM THE EARTH. Or at least comprised of such things (many vegan substitute meats, cheese, etc. are made from soy and water.) I don't fill my body full of unhealthy, unnatural things like other animals dead carcasses, and hmmm...ACID.

    I'm not saying EVERYTHING grown naturally from the Earth is healthy for you. Obviously not, and not all man-made chemicals are bad for you, either. But there's a line between good and bad in EVERY aspect of life. Weed, shrooms, peyote...these things have been used by native americans and the like, since the beginning of fucking time, man. They've used them for spiritual purposes, as well as many other things. And I'll admit, many people claim that they've taken acid and had very enlightening experiences. Fine, great, I'm not trying to deny them that. All I said was that it's not for me, and that I don't think it's a good idea.

    I've lost credibility on this matter, because I think it's stupid to take acid and pills?? Awesome. I'll be sure to tell everyone in I know that thinks acid is a bad idea, that they've no credibilty and that they don't know what they're talking about. Would you also like me to tell them that it's okay to take codein and sniff hairspray out of a bag??

    I have no problem with you, man. Until that ignorant post, I used to think you were decent. I don't know why you suddenly jumped down my throat, just because I can't get behind things like acid. Face it, it's not for everyone. Not everyone has to dig it.
  17. StonerBill

    StonerBill Learn

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    first of all, youll notice that i dont have the low self esteem to have to resolve to swear words and personal insults in order to back up my arguement.

    secondly, here you clearly state that your oppinion on unnatural drugs is because, in italics, they are 'chemicals', and the reason you get fucked up is because they go straight to your brain, and fuck with the brains natural chemicals.

    ok, so what does weed do? what do peyote and shrooms do? theyre chemicals, they go straight to your brain and fuck with the brains naturally balanced chemicals. by your OWN words, you enjoy doing something thats, by this definition, "no more smarter than drinking lysol to get drunk". i think thats an insult to everyone who takes man made drugs, what do you think it is? clearly you look down apon it, due to the context of it within your text.

    clearly the fact that you apologised after my thread means that i could not take it into account, that would require looking into the future, can you do that? please teach.

    actually, you referred to teh fact that taking non natural drugs was stupid.
    which is pretty much critising perhaps more than half the people who go on these drug forums.

    actually, you already stated that its not all you said, view above. you admitted to seeing a large portion of people here 'as stupid as drinkning lysol to get drunk'.

    anyway what is that supposed to mean? lysol as opposed to? whisky? i think youll find they both contain alchohol that has come about due to man's intervention.

    a better comparison would be to compare cocaine taken straight from the coca plant, as opposed to street cocaine mixed with plenty of other shit in it.

    actually, no, cocaine is natural, is is of course better for you than lsd, or asprin.

    if you had yourself been more specific and stated the things you have said in this next point, then i wouldnt have had a go at you.

    however your not the only person who comes here talking about how chemical drugs are worse for you than natural drugs, just because.

    to conclude,
    no i made it quite clear that youve lost credibility because you view natural chemicals as being inherently healthier and smarter to take than those that are created by the organism known as the human being, with a definition of the chemicals that you think are stupid which includes the drugs you think are smart.

    now, are you going to be able to argue your point without rhetoric, or is this beyond your scope of cognitive ability?
    all you had to do was say 'actually, i dont take vitimins, nor do i take conventional medications, and i am a vegan'. would that have been hard?
  18. StonerBill

    StonerBill Learn

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    oh and i forgot that you also said:
    without showing any justification of why drugs in a 'pill' form (which can be a range of safe or unsafe drugs) are pathetic, or stupid, and how they are on the same level as huffing paint (which is the act of directly killing your brain cells)
  19. inbloom

    inbloom as the crow flies...

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    Umm, hmm, just because I stated that I think taking certain drugs is stupid, and just because I defended myself against little punk kids who think they know everything, doesn't mean I have low self esteem. In fact, it's because I have good self esteem, that I can sit and here and still know that I'm right. Despite how much you try and argue me.

    You got me here, man. Congrats. Yeah, weed and shrooms do fuck with your brain's chemicals. And yeah, I do drink alcohol. So, how do I defened that? Well, I don't. Sorry. To me though, I see a difference. I see a difference between taking something that grows from the ground, naturally, to something some guy decided to conjur up, to fuck himself up. Don't ask me why, but I just do. And yeah, beer (my drink of choice, I never go for the hard shit, anymore) is man-made. But what is it made from? Hops? Barley? Yeast? Water? All things naturally found in the Earth.

    I've seen alot of shit, man. I've seen alot of people take some fucked up shit. I've had friends who took their mum's prescription T3's, and took them to get high. I've known kids who took their parents prescriptions, grind them up, and snorted them. I've seen friends get into crack, coke, acid, and other things. And the only things I've seen directly affect a person's thinking, behaviour, and life...is the crack, the coke, the acid, all that shit. I've never seen a life get fucked up, because someone likes to smoke joints. I've never seen someone turn into a fucking tweaked out criminal, because they like to take shrooms occasionally. I've never seen anyone's thinking and memory been fucked for life, because they like to drink on weekends. I have, however, seen this happen with your harder, man-made chemicals.

    And yeah, that does include alcohol, because I know you're gunna try throwing that in my face. It does include alcohol, because many a life has been ruined over the stuff. Personally though, and this is just me, I take it in moderation. I really do. I take everything in moderation. I only drink, maybe once or twice a month, lately. I haven't smoked weed in about two months, and I haven't taken shrooms in over a year. Moderation is the key, but that's pretty much a whole other topic on it's own.

    And if somebody who digs acid, was to tell me that they only did it on like, an annual or bi-annual basis, I'd be fine with that. Which, again, brings me to say that I was quick to judge earlier, and I'm sorry. I, however, will not apoligize to people taking any pills, crack, coke, heroin, whatever. I'm sorry, but to me that shit is just BEYOND retarded, and I know I'm not the only one who thinks so. Defend that, and YOU lose all credibility in MY eyes.

    Just because I was quick to make a statement like the Lysol thing, and then apologize and take it back, doesn't make me any less credible here. Sorry, it was a snap judgement. What am I supposed to do? Bow out and just say that I'm completely wrong here, just cuz I accidentally made a snap judgement? It happens. We all make mistakes, so let's move on...

    Did you completely miss the part where I stated that not ALL that is found in nature is good for you? And where I said not ALL that is man-made is bad for you? Right there, this comment is completely void, so moving on...

    You didn't have to "have a go" at me at all, but you chose to. I wasn't speking to anyone, in particular, and therefore no one should've taken personal offence. If any of the pill heads on this forum were insulted by what I said, that's too bad. When you make stupid decisions like that, there will always be negative backlash from people.

    So, what? Just because someone else has come to this forum before me, and stated the same thing as me, that means you have to jump down MY throat? Not fair. Free speech forums, man. Says so right on the main page. There were some people in this thread, who said alot meaner things than me, and you didn't go after them.

    I did say that. That was almost exactly how I put it. I didn't get all cocky and go, "Well, hmmmph, I'M vegan. So there." I was just letting you know, for your information, that I happen to live on a diet of naturally grown foods, and have little or no need for conventional medicines like Tylenol or Aspirin. I never said I NEVER take them, or that I never HAVE taken them, but I rarely ever do. If it was to one day be proven that small doses of acid, cocain, whatever, could help to cure certain illnesses, than I would accept that. Not saying I'd take it, but I'd accept it, if doctors and scientists seemed to think it'd do the trick. I, myself, am a lot more interested in whollistic and herbal medicines. To me, that stuff just seems more natural and healthier to take, than pills.

    Cetain drugs are okay to take for recreational purposes, and I never stated any different. They're okay to take for religious/spiritual purposes, as well. I just think there's a line between what's right, and what's wrong to take.

    I'm not the one with a fucking problem, man. You are. You came after me, when none of my posts were directed towards you, or even anyone in particular. So fucking leave me the hell alone, already.

  20. Trippin' Billies

    Trippin' Billies Senior Member

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    wow... u both argue ur points well but i think im going to side with bill on this one...

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