Had an interesting date, now she doesn't want to see me?

Discussion in 'Relationships' started by Mark10, Feb 1, 2014.

  1. Mark10

    Mark10 Guest

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    I met a beautiful 42 year old from OKCupid on Saturday night. She is a model. I don't say that to brag, but rather to note that she is probably way out of my league, just to give anyone who wants to give me some advice some idea.

    She agrees to let me pick her up, and gives me her address. I walk in and she says, "so you finally get to meet me, huh?" This sort of teasing went on the rest of the night, which I thought was a good sign. A lot of playful banter both ways, and a lot of straight up just making fun/teasing me.

    We drive to the bar in her car (which she mentioned was $65k, which I thought was weird to mention, #1) and on the way there she tells me how she went on a date with a guy who didn't pay for dinner and she thought it was very rude and didn't see him a second date. I was intending on paying anyway, but I figure that was her telling me I'd better pay (#2). She also said something to the effect of, "just so you know, some people might call me high maintenance, but I just like nice things. I like quality, nice things, and I like to look and feel good." I chalked that up as weird thing #3.

    We get to the bar and the conversation is going great, but she explicitly told me she's not ready for any light touching of her hand or leg. The conversation continues, and out of the blue she says, "you know were not having sex, right?" I was totally caught of guard, managed to say something witty, and not seem desperate. Another weird thing to say, IMO.

    She also started telling me how many guys on OKCupid she rejects and and stuff like that.

    Finally, she says something to the effect of, "you know, if I have sex with a guy on the first date, I probably don't like him. I'm done with casual sex, I want to build a connection first etc etc"

    We drove home after almost 3 hours at the bar. I walked her to her door. I asked if I could come in, and she straight up said, "No." (I respected her honesty). I went in for a hug. I was going to kiss her on the cheek to play it safe, but she went for my lips. So, that was awesome. She turned around, walked into her house, and yelled back "text me!"

    I had a wonderful time, but the whole night it felt like she was trying to prove herself to me. Almost to prove to me she was the one in control.


    Fastfoward to Monday night:

    She texted me saying, "Hey, I've been thinking, and we are just in different places in our life, and looking for different things. It was great meeting you, but I'm going to have to pass. Take care."

    I replied, "I am disappointed but thank you for being honest. I had a wonderful time meeting you. I wish you and your daughter well."

    And she said, "Thanks for being a good guy."


    What the heck happened? Any way I can get her to change her mind?
  2. RubySoho6

    RubySoho6 Organized Chaos

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    Why would you want to? That sounds like a terrible date. Nobody should talk about other dates or all the guys she turns down. That's not what first dates are about. Consider yourself lucky. She sounds like more trouble that what she's worth. Telling someone how much your car is worth is a douchey move.
  3. Mike Suicide

    Mike Suicide Sweet and Tender Hooligan

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    shouldve been an asshole not paid and gotten laid.
  4. oxyqueen

    oxyqueen Member

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    The real question is why would you ever want to go out with her again?
  5. Mark10

    Mark10 Guest

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    for those saying why would i want to go out with her again -- i did have an overall nice time, but honestly, if she wasn't so hot, I wouldn't be considering it. i will admit that.

    also, my friends are asking me the same thing as you all - why would i want to see her again.
  6. wobs

    wobs Senior Member

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    im so sorry about what happened mark,but in blunt yorkshire(eng) language im sorry about this, but id tell her to fuck her sen the stuck up little lady
  7. M2D

    M2D Member

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    sounds like a fucking idiot to me, dont analyze it... on to the next one.
  8. deleted

    deleted Visitor

    spike with roofies, sell car to mexican chop shop.. maybe next time. ;)
  9. Mike Suicide

    Mike Suicide Sweet and Tender Hooligan

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  10. Wizardofodd

    Wizardofodd Senior Member

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    Hahahahahahaha!!! :)

    But yeah.....who would want to see her again? Sounds pretty into herself.
  11. wcw

    wcw Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    A lot of people act like that when they feel insecure. Most people try to make themselves "worthy" to others - some people really over do it. I know a lot of people who have grown out of that.

    Are there any reasons other than her looks that would make you want another date. Maybe once you both get to know each other better, she might drop the facade.
  12. RainyDayHype

    RainyDayHype flower power Lifetime Supporter

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    I read an article once about how some women just use dating sites to get free dinners. She was probably just using you.
  13. Wizardofodd

    Wizardofodd Senior Member

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    Valid point. The thought crossed my mind too.
  14. MikeE

    MikeE Hip Forums Supporter HipForums Supporter

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    Rape jokes stopped being cute three years ago.
  15. deleted

    deleted Visitor

    seth macfarlane walks all the way to the bank with rape jokes.

    btw chloroform has been misrepresented in the movies. It does not work that way. victims almost never lose consciousness.. If criminals used chloroform to knock out their victims in real life, they could be fighting them for up to 10 minutes before the victim loses consciousness. Additionally, too much of the drug could cause death by respiratory or cardiac arrest. Lastly, chloroform actually loses its effectiveness when it comes in contact with oxygen, so if the attacker waited too long to make his move, holding the rag while he hides in the shadows, he wouldn’t have much luck subduing his victim anyway..
  16. Moonglow181

    Moonglow181 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    I have to agree with Ruby here. WTH! Her conversation sounded childish to me....The first date should have been about just the two of you....Don't get stuck on anyone's looks. Look at the inner self of people mainly.
    Some people can be beautiful on the outside but ugly within and vice versa. Good luck.
  17. scratcho

    scratcho Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    I don't see what the purpose would be in trying to convince someone to be "with" you when you have been told it was "no go." Don't make yourself small by continuing to even think about her. She'll shrink you even further and make you lose your -self- in your acceptance of her self, which upon reflection, seems pretty shallow.
  18. Just_a_woman

    Just_a_woman Member

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    You tell us what she's told you, but what did you tell her? Perhaps what she's told you was triggered by what you were telling her.

    Anyway, she did sound like high maintenance. It is as if your clothes, car, demeanor made her see immediately you weren't good enough for her (as in your banking account wasn't good enough for her needs) and she made you understand that. It sounds like she's looking for a rich guy who can help her keep her lifestyle.

    And you're looking for beauty. You say you'd like to have another chance, only because she's so beautiful. The kind of beauty you have to pay for. She thinks you can't afford it. You agree with it, since you say she's out of your league. If you can't pay her price, just move on.

    If you think she's worth paying for, send her some flowers and expensive jewellery. You have her address. Don't go cheap, because she made it clear cheap won't get her.
  19. Moonglow181

    Moonglow181 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Hahahahaha...maybe you can buy her an expensive car, too. LOL
  20. Sallysmart

    Sallysmart Raynstorm Serenade

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    Sounds to me like she picks crappy men (in her mind anyway) and is misstreated (or does not get the special treatment she wishes for) most times so she plays her cover on you hoping you wont also be one of the same. Bet the car is Daddy's car on lend to her for the night.
    Her problems are not your problems. She dreams to live high on the hog and be treated as she wants by the way she speaks. Move on and find someone "more in your league", bets are its comfortable for you and the new love.
    And as was already said in a similar way,,, if you do have the cash to throw around then by all means start shopping at her level, once broke she will trash you with those others she speaks of. She wants only the good stuff, open your eyes and mind and repeat what she said...

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