so i was searhcing for a long time for a hook up online that wouldnt scam me to purcahse mdma or methylone, and finally i got one with a package in the mail. The quality is pure and im very excited, but im scared because, I am wondering what could happen legally if someone were to catch this package? It was 50 grams - could I go to jail? I mean how could they prove I actually ordered the package - wouldnt you just send your worst enemies a package of drugs if it meant instant jail time? Please give some advice, thanks!
You need to give your location, but if you are in the US, accepting a package with drugs is a serious federal offense and I don't think they have to prove that you ordered it.
The best thing to do is to get the package, write "Return to sender" on it, and leave it by your door for a week. That way if they do come to bust you, you can say that you weren't expecting a package and were planning on sending it back to whoever sent it. But I'm guessing you've already opened it.
Posting this on the internet means law enforcement can see your location, so you've just announced on a huge public forum that you've received 50g of MDMA in the mail. So there's that . But if somebody is going to bust you for drugs in the mail they are gonna do it when they intercept that stuff or right when you pick it up, or shortly after. if you've had it for more than a day you're probably in the clear, although of course now they might be watching you.
Fist of all 50 grams will make you a dealer. The penalty will much more severe then personal possession. No matter what you say you are trafficking MDMA. MDMA can be sniffed out by a drug dog but despite what police want you to think a dog can not be right 100% of the time. The animal gets board quickly and packaging methods can protect the smell. The thing to look for is being asked to sign for the package. This is the proof you knew of the shipment. This is called a controlled delivery, a cop will pose as a mail man or sometimes they will have your normal mail man ask for the signature then minutes later they kick your door in. In this case writing return to sender is useless you have already accepted it. But it is useful with no signature, I personally don't trust it but it can not hurt to do. If you are asked to sign say you are not expecting a package. Expect them to be VERY persistent and annoyed (allot of time and man power has gone into setting this bust up and it is now wasted) but you will be safe. But you can expect that address and perhaps your name to be flagged. So any mail coming to you will be checked.
it depends on where you live. the police in my county for example are so busy that they don't have time to enforce the law 90% of the time, especially when it relates to nonviolent crimes. they seem to just be interested in the violent crimes. so i seriously doubt they would waste their time on 50 grams of mdma. but there are other counties that crack down on drugs way harder. if you have already received the package then you should take out the mdma, stash it, and then get rid of the package. hide it so well they won't be able to find it even if they kick your door down (the police can't actually kick your door down by the way -- that is from TV, if you just don't answer there is nothing they can do). but yea you do run a risk of them intercepting it before it gets to you. this is kind of a stupid question, of course you are in danger if you ordered an illegal substance in the mail.
This is true. In the USA if the police knock or try to talk to you without taking action they can not do anything. If they could they would kick the door in with a warrant with no warning. People often think they are obligated to talk to police, this is not the case.
the police are actually pretty terrible at doing their job. and it's not the officers that are responsible for anything, they are just pawns of the higher ups. infact the whole US justice system is just fucked."]Fiiif Chappelle Show - Fifth Amedment - YouTube not that i would try my luck. just saying not only are the drug laws immoral, they also suck at enforcing them. and the courts are just as skewed. its not hard to be smarter than that!
Are you sure about this? If this was the case couldn't I just hide inside and they could never do anything about anything? Are you saying that they would just have to wait outside until you eventually had to leave and then arrest you as soon as you went outside? I don't think the OP needs to worry too much about this tho at this point. I think if something was gonna happen, it would have happened already. 50 grams is enough I'd be a little nervous receiving. I would do like others have said, not open it immediately then when I think everything is safe I would open it and then get rid of the package somewhere that can't be traced back to me. I wouldn't put it in my own trash cuz the cops could go through the trash and find the package and know that I opened it. There's a lot of money in 50 grams and it would be pretty hard to argue it was for personal use even if that really was your intentions.
Yes that's right. You could wait inside and although they will get pissed they won't be able to do anything. Although they will probably hang around a while and act like they can. If they are knocking they can not arrest you yet they have no probable cause. If they did they would just barge in because they would have a warrant. Cops never do you any favors or are nice in any way if they don't have to be. They don't ask they simply take if they can. Also remember your home is your private property. Cops can be charged with trespassing, they do not have special rights. If you tell them they are not welcome there they must leave same as a normal person. Although it is unlikely another cop will charge them you are well within your rights to tell them to leave.
I can't trust the police. Police departments small and large are all overrun with corruption, you can not be so sure that they are really looking out for your best interest. And of course if you're one that uses any sorts of drugs or mind expanding substances, you're criminal scum that needs to be thrown into the dungeon.
Your justice system is so fucked... I don't like that ours seems to be moving in that direction as well.
The wrong sort of people want to be cops. To them it is about being in control not about helping people. And when something does go wrong there is a internal investigation and 9 times out 10 the "punishment" is paid leave. How many jobs can you screw up at and get a paid vacation for it?
They should throw em in jail for a while to kick it with all the people they put in there for a little bit.
i agree most police are on a power trip. i don't think that the police would invest their time into digging through trash unless it had something to do with a murder or something really serious. drugs don't usually fall into that category. the same goes for investing their time into getting a warrant.
I suggest you start making jenkem now.. and throw it out before they raid your garbage.... they are looking for drugs... let them find some