some people mouth the words, I personally bend the page into a crease then press it, till its straight again, creating a big shitty line across the page. I also crumple the pages in my hand, and bend the corners(Really bad I'm sorry) what do you do? ( I also tend to run my fingers across my face, around my eyes especially)
I usually run a pencil through my hair... my worst thing is trying to get comfortable. I read rather large books (King) and its hard to just hold those suckers
I sit in a really spastic position on my bottom with my legs drawn upn to my knees so im kinda crouching. I must look like an idiot but its so damm comfy!!
I don't know if I'd call it a habit, but if I'm reading in my room, I have to have music playing when I'm reading.
i do the big shitty line creasing thing too. especially in my text books... must be a stress thing. I also can't fall asleep unless i've been reading.
I tend to touch my face alot... move alot. I always must have a lot of light... the A/C on... and a blanket... I tend to switch reading positions every couple of minutes, sub-conciously... always read on my bed. I would kill myself if i did any damage to the book such as folding it and such... i tend to take very good care of my books...
I usually read travelling by metro (underground), and i have to listen to music in my discman at the sema time, and i also have to read before getting asleep, very relaxing till the book falls on your face, then it's just the moment to switch lights off and dream about it.
I have a bad habit of noting things down when i should, like right in the book. I only really notice it when im reading someone elses book, and i have to reming myself to not write in it
I annoy myself when I read... I'm very particular. I wait until I get to the 2nd last paragraph on the right side page then i crease the page down until it is perfectly lined up then when i turn the page i have to straighten it and go through the whole damned annoying process again... i think i have a little ocd... lol
I usually read with music on, I tend to shift positions a lot, and I have to have a blanket on me. When I'm reading long passages online I hilight random words/sentences (I guess to keep my place, or something...). When people are reading with me and I have control of the mouse they get rather annoyed...
Hmmm... Well, I don't dog-ear the pages or anything... But, I flatten the center, so that the book stops trying to close on me. This usually breaks the spine... And with a paperback, I will fold (but not crease) the smaller portion back, around the back of the book, to make it easier to hold with one hand. If the book is borrowed, however, I will not do that. I take exceptionally good care of borrowed books. Another thing, that can be annoying... If it's an especially good read... I will completely drop out of life... lol food won't be prepared, cleaning won't be done, laundry won't get washed, nothing... lol
i run my fingers through my hair, across my face, i also sometimes stick them in the tip of my mouth...i don't suck on them or anything, just leave them there.
I usually start a new page, then jump to another paragraph or page, because I've seen a catchy word, then I have to go back and read what I jumped, cauz I'm incapable to not read something written in my book. I do, however take very good care of my books and can't write in them, even if I should be taking notes while reading
mostly, I play with my bookmark, but also, i have a tendency to write in the book. just little off-subject remarks. I make comments about characters like "geeze, he's so dramatic!" or "she's kinda negative, eh?" It's sort of funny for me, though, becuase I usually don't even think while i'm writing in it, so i don't remember it, so it's a good laugh when I find them later. One time, a book used the word spectre, and it reminded me of Big Fish, so I wrote "The sky so blue, grass so green, Specteur is really great!"
I twist my hair around my finger when I read. It is short hair, so I end up with these tufts all over the place.....attractive it is not but the books are really
I do the line-creasing shitty thing too, and also especially with my textbooks, and especially with my Spanish book which was already in bad shape when I got it. But that class is so boring! I also read every night (or close to) before I go to bed, and the book sometimes falls on my face, like migle said. I laughed out loud when I read that. When I read online, I too am spastic with the mouse. Actually, when I was reading this topic I was doing that and only became conscious of it when Magnolia mentioned it.
i never realized how many people crease their books. Freaks!, the lot of ya! I have a wierd olive addiction when i read. I love those big martini olives but can't seem to down them all at once. i keep a bowl of them next to me when i read and eat them very slowly. first i have to suck all the salty juice out, then suck out the pimento, then eat the rest in small bites. i can usually make one last about 2 pages. i used to bite my nails, which was pretty gross. This habit is much more appealing, despite the the slurping noises. or perhaps because of them?