This is only for fun......There are people who are so timid in heart and spirit that either a picture or the idea is terrifying.
You're such a shit disturber. But if it we all believed in the same thing, and never said anything against the would be a boring mother fucking place.
that symbol is a lot older than 20th cen. europe.tibet , n. america , cen . america , japan way back it has many meanings one of whitch is the 4 winds!
the great dictator ?chaplin who resisted making sound pics. realy shinned at them ...greatest comunicator of 20th cen.
whats the name of the talking chaplin flick where he was a killer of wealthy women who he married for gain and was guillotined?
I knew what movie you were referring to but my computer crashed BIG TIME so I couldn't get back on to tell ya......argh. Anway, it's Monsieur Verdoux.
i realy liked it cuz he said how state powr can kill millions for needless gain and he was punished for merely surviving by murder like the scapegoat,
So then.. ARE you a racist nazi shithead or do you just like pretending to be one so you can get a lot of hate posts against you?
I haven't seen many hate posts against the buster... I don't know him very well but he seems like a good guy with his own views. who are you to judge him as a 'racist nazi shithead' or otherwise? Just asking...