A lot of guys are wearing no fly underwear now days... I am wondering if guys wear it just for looks or is it also more comfortable? Can you guys still piss at a urinal?: confused:
i've never heard of no fly underwear. but yeah, i'm sure that with no fly you would have no option but to piss your pants daily, since there's no way for penis to escape underwear besides that little slit right below the elastic part.
My underwear don't have a fly either - easier just to pull penis over the top of them or out thru the leg part.
i'm curious now....does anyone actually use the fly in their underwear? i guess i sometimes would when i wore boxer shorts. but with boxer briefs - easier just to pull penis over the top of them.....or out through the leg part i guess
my brother has my grandma sew his boxers' fly shut it's not nice feeling when your pecker comes out of that fly when it's not supposed to - rub on your jean zipper or something. but i don't know if i've ever seen underwear without a fly
Always wear Patagonia boxer shorts and use the fly to pee. Most people don't know that guys who wear boxer shorts and not briefs have more active, live sperm, as the testicles hang free and don't nest up close to the body as they do with briefs. Testicles are where they are because the normal body temperature (98.6 degrees) is too warm for the little fellows to live, and it is cooler for them if they grow in a sack outside the body.
Stopped wearing underwear with a fly when I stopped wearing tighty whitey's! Maybe when I was 10. Can't stand the fly.. Being a grower, I always had problems with them.. Personal preference I guess.
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I wear string bikinis. Most comfortable underwear for me. They have a pouch, no fly. I just pull the pouch down when I need to pee.
My mommy used to buy me underwear with a fly in them when I was a kid but then I grew up. Some of those underwear were so stupid my penis would have to curve around the flap and out the opening so I had to pull the fly open so it didn't squeeze my penis, it was stupid, then I'd end up dribbling on or in my pants afterwards. I wear the tight fitting boxer briefs with no fly, I undo the zipper, pull down the top of my underwear and bring my penis out. Works great. The more it's all hanging out when you pee the less problem you have with drainage.
I have seen me with fly and no fly, I think the ones without are nicer looking especially since most guys don't even use them. Many say it's a struggle finding it through the little hole. Better to yank em down a bit and haul Willie right out the top. I am surprised they bother making that hole anymore. Bets are no one would notice if it wasn't there. I like men in fly less tight boxers. It used to be a joke of mine,,, "Do that again to me and I will sew up all your underwear" the return was "I don't use the hole anyway" kinda took my fun away so now if I was to do anything nasty in return of a Nasty I would sew their socks while they are rolled in together in the drawer.
A great question, as a guy, guy's underwear is so poorly designed for that, those silly fly openings are useless and not comfortable to use at all. I go in to the urinal and just pull it all down and piss, if any guy's in there don't like that, too bad, they don't look anyway unless they are bi or gay.
I make my own underwear from stretch pants. not into wearing the micheal jordan diapers with 4layers of padding in the crotch. dont like my nuts roasted..