I've always preferred to masturbate with no lube. For the best experience I prefer to be just out of the shower, totally clean. When I was a kid I usually pulled the sheath up and down, but for years now I prefer to just slip my hand over the skin as I stroke. Occasionally I use a lube in winter, as the skin becomes dryer and more sensitive, especially if I've been jacking off often (usually!). What about it guys? Lube or not?
I don't often use lube, but if I wank so long that it starts to get sore, I sometimes do use some lotion.
both methods have their place. with lube is a little more like actual sex, while without is better for a quick rubout.
Well, OK. For me, don't know why, but without is great for plain recreational jacking off. I'm edging a bit right now, but I'm saving it for a (paid, female) friend in a day or two. Recently I've become a chronic masturbator. Like being 13 again.
I cannot actually think of a single instance where a lubricant would be necessary for masturbation when you're uncircumcised.
I am circumcised. I just prefer to hold my dick loosely and only slide my hand lightly over the sheath. Its just the way I've (mostly) always done it. I also hold my scrotum down with the opposite hand as I thrust my hips forward/up to tighten the sheath. Doesn't feel so much like pussy as it does just jacking off. Makes me smile though.
obviously it's not necessary. otherwise this thread asking about which method people prefer wouldn't exist.
I was just curious... I've been under the impression that most guys use lube. Bought some Astroglide this afternoon.. only because of the severely cold dry winter weather here. Don't want to wear that thing out.
I have a long foreskin and have never needed lube. When I started wanking as a kid it never occurred to me.... Sometimes I use lube for a different sensation, but I don't need it. I don't think I've met any guys who use lube - but perhaps that's just the UK, where most guys are uncut.
it never occurred to me either, until i touched a vagina and realized that they feel much more like a lubed hand than a dry hand. do guys in the UK really introduce themselves by saying "i'm john, and i don't use lube?"
Damn Astroglide ain't the answer. I had never tried it before. It quickly becomes sticky. Got some cocoa butter and some other stuff this afternoon.
I am uncircumcised, but definitely enjoy it more with lube. Your penis can get raw much faster without it.
Try Liquid Silk - Maximus, it is vastly superior to Astroglide in lasting without becoming sticky. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00EXPTY2I/ref=oh_details_o06_s00_i00?ie=UTF8&psc=1"]Amazon.com: Maximus Personal Lubricant 250 ml Personal Healthcare / Health Care: Health & Personal Care You might have to get it via mail order, I could not find it locally.
I usually go dry to avoid the extra cleanup, towels, and reapplying when it dries out. Astroglide is good for toys or when I've already gotten off a few times. Wet Platinum silicone lube is nice to have around for edging... the stuff is some magic superlube that lasts almost forever.
I bought a bottle of baby oil at work today to use for either anal play or for rubbing over my genitals for a nice smooth slippery effect.
probably because you would need to save a week's worth of spit in a jar or something before you had enough to use as an effective wank lube.