For years, I've been curious about the spectrum of behavior among men when they cum during sex. Here's why. In 1985, my wife and I were in a six-month long threesome with my best friend. I had lots of opportunities to watch him fuck my wife and the way he behaved when he came was radically different from me. When I cum, I drive my cock all the way into her, my whole body goes tense, my toes curl, my back arches, I (usually) screw my eyes tightly closed, and frequently moan or grunt. When my friend cums, aside from stopping his thrusts all the way in my wife (like me), nothing else happens externally. Nothing. To an observer, it looks like he decided to stop thrusting and just "hold the pose" for a while (sometimes as long as a minute.) He maintained eye contact with my wife, but there was no obvious muscle tension and no vocalization of any kind. Of course, inside her, he was pumping like a broken fire hydrant. So, we kind of represent opposite ends of the spectrum; him freezing like a statue and me going all neanderthal. I appear to behave more like the guys in a typical porn video (of you can believe any of that), but I've never seen or heard of anyone else having an orgasm and cumming like him. What do the rest of you do? (And ladies, feel free to chime in about how your boy friends/husbands behave as well.)
Depends on how wild the sex has been, and how much we have gotten into it. But when it has just been a 'standard' fuck so to speak, I don't necessarily make a lot of noise, or give it away in many other ways. I could just pump my load inside her without giving it away in many other ways, but I'm aware that wouldn't be the most erotic experience for the woman, so I sometimes exaggerate it just a little bit. I'm more likely to grunt audibly and without having to 'fake' it if the sex has been particularly intense. I tend to close my eyes automatically while cumming inside a woman unless I specifically try to maintain eye contact, and my back arches if I'm on top of her, as I push myself as deep inside her as possible.
push deep inside but without stopping, just slowing down a little.. moans or little "creaming", and of course and toes curls!
I would be more like you buzzgunner. I am moaning and grunting and pushing as deep as I can. I love to make eye contact so my eyes are open.
Interesting post... As others have said, for me at least it does kind of depend on how intense the sex is. If I want or need to I can contain myself and cum quietly, but I normally moan some and if it's real intense sex I let out a few groans or mild yells. And there are times when I thrust deep inside her, hold still as I explode inside her, and then there are other times where I keep thrusting away as I'm cumming. I know my toes do curl, as pointed out to me by an old girlfriend way back. And then after sometimes after I'm done I'll start pumping away again or just lay there inside her catching my breath as it finishes pulsating inside her.
Usually singing a couple of choruses of " Mr Pitiful " while sobbing uncontrollably, then reciting the method of making perfectly round pancakes.
Huh I have done both types and what occurs really depends on a lot of factors such as my energy level, the technique I used, my emotional connection to the lady, what the lady is doing physically or saying, and the thoughts in my mind leading up to orgasm.
Well each orgasm I have is different, depending on how I get stimulated. I have something I call the "lust bus" which is my want to solely penetrate a women and cum in her, and my partner solely wants me to keep on penetrating her. This is where both our testosterone levels sky rocket and all we want to do is reproduce. Usually this is how we start sex The cumming part feels pretty good in my opinion. For some reason when I penetrate during the act of ejaculating I can't control my lower body to stop continuing to penetrate. It forcibly does these jerky strokes that feel pretty good, I'm guessing humans were programmed to do this so men make sure they ejaculate in the women. After I finish taking all that sexual lust out with cumming, we begin our sexual adventures. Depending on where I get stimulated I orgasm differently. By far my favorite is when I use an aneros to stimulate my prostate and my partner licks my shaft and foreskin while using a vibrator on my glans. I feel rushes of emotion coming from them, I don't really know how to explain in words really, cause I can't really seem to know what it is X) But let's just it feels like the sun met the moon and the yin yang clashed to make the perfect note. That's the best way I can describe it.
For me it's very often a werewolf howl. My wife finds it slightly amusing, if not a little tiresome on occasions but it certainly lets her know I've REALLY enjoyed cumming inside her.
when the GF finally tells me that I can cum she holds on for the ride, I start to pound her with everything I got and I really slam hard. It can take me 5-10 minutes of hard pounding to cum and normally she cums a bunch of times in there too. It's really hard on my bed and the walls. Normally I don't cum every time we have sex and when she finally lets me it's a pretty big event.
my orgasms come in 2 stages. The first is this intense tingling. I feel it in my balls and deep in my ass and it radiates up my belly to my nipples. This can last as long as 1 or 2 minutes. During this time I am panting long deep breaths and my entire body shivers. The second stage is the ejaculating where my cock convulses into her. Then I am growling like a tiger devouring raw meat. Its very loud and I grind into her as if im trying to get my hips into her. I sometimes hurt her with my grip on her hips.
For me its the toes curling, back arching head pulling back and eyes either tightly closed or as wide as I can get them .Usually its her on top and she controls how deep I am but she knows when i'm close to an orgasm and tends to let me plunge deeper in then I start to thrust up as I ejaculate.
Vaginally, when I am ready to cum, my toes curl and and I pull myself into her as far as I can,and hold her as I cum inside. back arches, my toes curl,and I start to quiver all over, as her mouth raises and lowers on me, with a no hands blowjob. As the cum rises in my cock, and she can tell,..I am quivering gets more intense, and she speeds up her mouth action, until I explode. Certain blowjobs she gives me, make me feel like a solid parts, and quivering all over..this lasts for a while,and is extended, if she licks and sucks the shaft after my orgasm..