Guy that's still a virgin, How will I know

Discussion in 'Genitalia' started by JammerJames, Feb 15, 2014.

  1. JammerJames

    JammerJames Guest

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    I don't know if this has been asked before.(sorry if it has).

    I hate to admit this but I'm still a virgin.

    My question is: How will I know if my penis will make a girl feel good inside?

    I know lost of guy's brag about their penis size, but I'm not nearly as big, as I'm smaller than average in length and thickness (I think).
  2. Sallysmart

    Sallysmart Raynstorm Serenade

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    Worried about nothingggggggg,,,,,
  3. Pressed_Rat

    Pressed_Rat Do you even lift, bruh?

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    Stick your cock in her ass and see how loudly she moans. Then stick it in her mouth.
  4. Sallysmart

    Sallysmart Raynstorm Serenade

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    Boy puts it in girl, girl falls asleep, guy knows he isn't gonna see her again, dinner at her mom's is out of the question, hahahahaha.
  5. cowboys filly

    cowboys filly Hip Forums Supporter HipForums Supporter

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    dont worry because you have nothing to worry about, we all had to learn, and learning should be fun, so when the time comes have fun and relax
  6. JimInPhila

    JimInPhila Member

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    Jammer. Relax, all guys initially feel that way. If we start out with 7 inches, we think it's not big enough. Everything I've read says "average" is 5 to 6 inches. Yeah, yeah, everything you'll read on the web will tell you the norm is a lot more, they're lying.
    Same thing with the girth. From what I read, 4.8 inches in "average" circumference. And yeah, you'll read that the majority is 6 inches around. Once again, they're lying, or just plain freak. And yeah, you'll see that in some vids. That's why they're in the movies, they're the exception, not the norm. Think about it and I'm betting you have nothing to worry about.
  7. PineMan

    PineMan Senior Member

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    The important thing is not to feel embarrassed about being a virgin. At your age it's it's mostly peer pressure, with all your peers bragging about all their sexual achievements when, in actual fact, the chances are that they're no more experienced than you are.

    I have to admit that I was no different when I was a teenager, and when I did finally lose my virginity, when I was 23, it was to a nymphomaniac who molested me (which I suppose could technically class as rape), and I was so nervous that I did my best to resist, but after a while the animal instincts kicked in & next thing I knew I had passed another milestone in my life.

    With hindsight, I suspect that if I had been more forthcoming about my virginity, there may have been more girls who would have relished the opportunity of being the one to pop my cherry with, so who knows - that approach may work to your advantage.
  8. Sallysmart

    Sallysmart Raynstorm Serenade

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    It's too bad men are pushed into thinking dick size is what makes sex a great thing. It isn't that at all.
    This might be why some men look at a woman and think they are out of her league. ---Hmmm, she's pretty, bet she has had em all, big, tall, fat, small, bet she has fucked em all---
    Ya, pretty women like sex, but it likely has little to do with size but how you could love her and show her a good time.
    It's time men were told their dick isn't the only key you stick in the door To make a great relationship.
  9. Just_a_woman

    Just_a_woman Member

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    Anyway, you'll have to make do with what you've got. It isn't as if you could easily change the size of your penis.

    Sex is like everything in life: you'll please some, you won't please others. Some will please you, some won't.

    So, don't worry about that.
  10. Sallysmart

    Sallysmart Raynstorm Serenade

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    Seriously,,, any woman who says it's gotta be big has no idea how to reach orgasm through words, emotion, touch, and all that should go into making love,,, run as fast as you can if she starts measuring it. She is a waste of time.
  11. NikeGirl

    NikeGirl Member

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    Start with oral sex. She will fall in love with your cock long before it ever touches her pussy. Many couples enjoy oral sex for months before they ever have intercourse.

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