Gun Control Proposals For The Usa

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Balbus, Nov 9, 2015.

  1. Balbus

    Balbus Senior Member

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    Gun control proposals

    [SIZE=11pt]I thought I’d put together a couple of lists me and MeAgain have presented in the past (I hope MeAgain doesn’t mind) of things we think could be done in relation to gun control–[/SIZE]


    [SIZE=11pt]Educate people about what the new legislation is about and would entail (Not taking away all guns, the goal is to reduce harm by limiting easy access to the criminal and irresponsible)[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=11pt]Reinforcing, enhancing, and mandating back ground checks.[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=11pt]Immediate destruction of any weapon, ammunition, etc. used or acquired illegally.[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=11pt]Limiting the amount of legal ammunition that can be bought and retained.[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=11pt]Buyback programs - to get rid of or lower the number of midnight specials, assault weapons, etc.[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=11pt]All gun owners would need to pass a test of competence and responsibility to get a gun licence (part of which would be to pass a psychological evaluation) [/SIZE]

    [SIZE=11pt]A gun owner would[/SIZE] [SIZE=11pt]need an up to date licence and insurance to carry on owning a gun. [/SIZE]

    [SIZE=11pt]Mandatory records of all sells or transfers of all firearms and immediate destruction of any that are discovered to be not recorded.[/SIZE]

    Any gun kept at home or place of work (including businesses that involve guns) would have to be held in a secure manner (eg safe or other secure locking system). People that didn’t have an approved system would not be allowed to own a gun

    If a person looses or has their gun stolen, and it is shown that they did not show due diligence in securing their weapon they would be subject to a heavy fine and/or banned from owning a gun.

    Any guns would have to be presented for inspection 6 months after purchase then again one year after purchase and then every five years after that. Not presenting the gun would mean losing the owner’s gun license and being banning from owning a gun. If the gun has been lost or stolen and that has not been reported that would result in heavy fine and/or custodial sentence.


    These would be national laws the same through all the states and a department would be set up to monitor them and make sure they are been enforced equally throughout the country.


    These are just suggestions and if people think of improvements please post your ideas.
  2. Pressed_Rat

    Pressed_Rat Do you even lift, bruh?

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    I'm not sure how this would prevent the millions of illegal guns already in circulation from getting into the wrong hands which are responsible for most of the gun violence in the country. Your suggestions seem to be pretty useless since guns are going to wind up in the wrong hands regardless of if those things are implemented or not. The propositions outlined in your thread seem designed only to make harder for law-abiding people to defend themselves.
    9 people like this.
  3. NoxiousGas

    NoxiousGas Old Fart

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    and as has been mentioned numerous times before, a lot of those things are already in place, obviously not to your (Balbus) satisfaction, so maybe you should relocate, apply for citizenship and then cast your votes to change things, otherwise, STFU.
    7 people like this.
  4. Balbus

    Balbus Senior Member

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    [SIZE=11pt]Not immediately, but I don’t think anyone is claiming immediate effects. [/SIZE]

    [SIZE=11pt]According to the FBI virtually all guns used in a criminal or irresponsible way were bought legally in the US by American citizens. They were either stolen from the legal owner or passed on to a criminal for favour or money. It would therefore seem prudent to try and limit those ways in which criminals obtain guns and the gun regulation posted above are at aimed at doing that. [/SIZE]

    [SIZE=11pt]So could you please explain your thinking here? [/SIZE]

    [SIZE=11pt]In what way can you please explain your thinking? [/SIZE]

    [SIZE=11pt]And why do they believe they need guns to defend themselves and against what? [/SIZE]
  5. Balbus

    Balbus Senior Member

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    [SIZE=11pt]And I repeat what I said last time you posted this claim – “I don’t think so but please go ahead explain why?”[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=11pt]I mean which are in place nationally and which not? [/SIZE]
  6. Heat

    Heat Smile, it's contagious! :) Lifetime Supporter

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    I am not sure you should be speaking or typing for others. That includes responsible gun owners.

    All the controls that are already in place including registration do not stop the illegal gun trade and that is the larger issue.

    You can not legislate common sense or stop criminal behaviours. You can only prosecute those who will or do not comply with the existing laws.

    Here we have gun registration, banned firearms and special licences for those who are collectors but many of those firearms must be disabled in order to even collect them. It does not stop criminals or illegal gun trade.

    Those who wish to act out against another would do so anyways even if they did not have a firearm. It is a mentality issue rather than a weapons issue.
    4 people like this.
  7. Balbus

    Balbus Senior Member

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    [SIZE=11pt]Heat [/SIZE]

    [SIZE=11pt]But what about the proposed laws? Which are aimed at lessening the likelihood of the criminal or irresponsible getting easy access to guns? [/SIZE]

    But a firearm is a very dangerous weapon yes virtually anything can be used as a hand weapon, a rock, baseball bat or a spoon but in general terms a gun is so much more capable of causing damage than them.

    It is also not reflected in comparisons with countries with stricter gun control measures in place.
  8. Flagme15

    Flagme15 Members

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    Good proposals. My only question is about mandatory background checks. I am up in favor of them, but recently there was a case where someone passed a background check, bought the gun, but gave said gun to a gang member who out and killed someone with it.
  9. Heat

    Heat Smile, it's contagious! :) Lifetime Supporter

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    Already being done and the vat majority do not object to changes but realize that the changes only apply to responsible owners who in most cases comply already with the laws.

    Background checks are already mandatory to purchase guns.

    Already in place for the most part as they are destroyed when they are done being evidence.

    Rather a red herring as an issue. It does not matter the quantity of ammo that a person has if there is no intent to use it unwisely.

    If a firearm has not been used in a crime for the most part you are able to turn in any firearm which is usually then destroyed. Here periodically there is an amnesty program where any and all firearms can be handed over without issue.

    Here all firearms not only need to be registered but also need to be under lock down in an approved gun locker. That included ammo and most recommend trigger locks and removal of firing pins. If you do not do so and your gun is stolen then you are charged with careless storage and possibly other charges if that gun is used in a crime.

    See above

    See above and also when registering your firearms here the contract also states they can inspect your weapons or ask for them to be produced at any time. I think given that legally you have met the mandates for ownership that is enough of a safeguard. Again responsible owners would report a stolen gun given the consequences of not doing so.
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  10. Heat

    Heat Smile, it's contagious! :) Lifetime Supporter

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    There are checks done and possibly this could be one place where more could be done. Although most people who tend to act out due to mental illness have not necessarily been flagged as that prior to doing so.

    Here you can not carry without a special licence.

    Again an area that could be improved upon as all transactions including private should have to be recorded.

    All these laws will and do not stop criminal firearms violations. Criminals do not buy registered guns and while they may use a stolen registered gun, which may have already been reported as such, it is useless until they are caught and then another charge of theft can be added to the list. So while I do support responsible gun ownership and I do comply with laws around that I also live in reality that criminals do not do so. That you can not legislate compliance on only ramifications.
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  11. MeAgain

    MeAgain Dazed & Confused Lifetime Supporter Super Moderator

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    Nothing is 100% sure, but steps can be taken in the right direction. Any illegal gun discovered would be destroyed, that would eliminate any illegal guns that are discovered.

    Guns are always going to be in someone's hands, these steps are only intended to move in the direction of getting them out of the wrong hands.

    Law abiding citizens would still be able to use guns for self defense, although they would be more tightly regulated.
  12. MeAgain

    MeAgain Dazed & Confused Lifetime Supporter Super Moderator

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    In the U.S. regulation varies from state to state.
  13. MeAgain

    MeAgain Dazed & Confused Lifetime Supporter Super Moderator

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    In the U.S regulation various from state to state.

    I would suggest stiffer penalties for illegal gun trafficking.

    I would suggest an educational portion. Yes increase penalties.

    So, are you giving up?

    Agreed, we need to remove the most convenient and destructive weapons and institute a multi platform approach, via education, legislation, and mental health.
  14. MeAgain

    MeAgain Dazed & Confused Lifetime Supporter Super Moderator

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    Straw man purchases are illegal in many states, penalties for making straw man purchases should be increased. Gun show and flea market loop holes need to be patched.
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  15. MeAgain

    MeAgain Dazed & Confused Lifetime Supporter Super Moderator

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    Not everyone who uses a gun to commit a crime is a criminal...until they commit the crime.
  16. Beutsecks

    Beutsecks Large Rooster

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    So much consideration made for enforcement applied to legal, responsible owners on the odd chance their guns will be used by a criminal. But where do we see any discussion about handling the criminals who use guns? Are we so satisfied with the laws against criminal use of guns? I personally am not. Sure, criminals face increased penalties for using a gun during a crime, but what if hey knew something really bad might be the penalty? Like having their trigger finger hacked off!

    And what of criminals who "only" use the gun to threaten? Say a guy uses a gun to commit rapes. Would he pursue this if he knew he'd be executed for it? Rape used to be a hanging offense in the US. I fail to see the value in adding more burden onto the people who aren't using their guns for crimes. And this list has items that will mean even more government control of our lives as well as a need for more taxpayer-funded infrastructure just to enforce regulations onto people who aren't breaking the law.

    It reminds me a lot of the way the government is cashing in on addiction. By making regulations that affect everyone, even non-addicts. Unless we think the War on Drugs has been run well, why would we think the War on Guns will be managed any better? The same forces that corrupt the drug war, largely money, will likely taint the "gun war" as well.
  17. NoxiousGas

    NoxiousGas Old Fart

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    2,388 are so utterly and completely full of shit...

    if you are so emphatically interested in this topic then you would have already looked into this and know the answer.
    The only thing you are honestly interested in regarding this topic is how many feathers you can ruffle as you sit atop your self -erected perch of supposed superiority because you live in a country with stricter guns laws, you can't take a piss without it being caught on camera, but thank God it is so hard for law abiding citizens to get guns, correct?

    Am I the only one to notice that the great Balbus who is so entrenched and involved in this topic has to ask others such readily available information????

    here ya go;

  18. NoxiousGas

    NoxiousGas Old Fart

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    Yup, kinda why I said "most of those things" and as I said before, of course there is room for improvement and consistency across states and better intercommunication between agencies is paramount.
    But to hear Balbus lay it out, America is completely lawless and a total free-for-all with gun battles in the streets of Every Town, U.S.A. and that there are NO laws or checks and balances in place to address these issues.
  19. MeAgain

    MeAgain Dazed & Confused Lifetime Supporter Super Moderator

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    Keep in mind what the U.S. "gun control" advocates are mainly after is the elimination of high capacity magazines and assault style weapons and the ease of their procurement.
  20. Beutsecks

    Beutsecks Large Rooster

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    I'm still inclined to see the control aspect as a huge waste of taxpayer money that could be put to better use, like feeding people. Like food, I see guns as a substantial trust issue. In China people who mess with the food supply, like the bastards who added melamine to baby formula, are executed for violating that trust. In the US it's rare anyone is prosecuted for food violations. But it does happen. Like greedy corporate bastards at American Peanut Company who are still in prison.

    Violating gun laws should be treated very harshly. But too often gun charges are reduced. Instead of assault with a deadly weapon, I see them charged with aggravated assault. The same charge one might get for hitting someone with a brick. I happen to be all for gun control, but it has to be comprehensive and it has to be punitive to the extreme when violated. These straw purchasers should serve the same time as the killer who used the gun they purchased. The killer should also lose their trigger finger.
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