Hey all, Ive finally caved and Im back after years. I bet 90% of you dont know me, but for the really old ones (blues, spense) whats up? The rest of ya, nice to meet ya
Ive been awesome morph! lifes been great and of course you should feel aweee spense! Hello to everyone I dont know too!
sup man? i was using kind of heavy last time i seen u, started snorting dope never shot it, got into some trouble went to jail, now im in a 3/4 house, i was clean for almost a year but i got surgery in september and ive kind of been using when ever i can, nothing that will show up on a 5 panel test though on that felony probation.
I was always getting updates from blues so heard alot of that. Glad you are well man, its hard to keep from going down the rabbit hole again but if you can keep it low you might be a lot better off bud! Keep well!
YO China, dude. Good to see ya kickin`around the forums again. I don`t post much anymore, but I still lurk around.