grr i hate when people do this to me!!

Discussion in 'Vegetarian' started by mrsmorrison27, Aug 25, 2005.

  1. mrsmorrison27

    mrsmorrison27 yoda piss

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    ok tis morning my mom was packing our lunches for work, and she made these fish casadila thingys and was like "o i made these really good casadillas theyve got salmon adn herbs and stuff in them i thought u might like it" and i was like MOM!!@ u know im a vegetarian and shes like" i thought u ate fish! u never told me u dont eat fish!' i tell her all the time cause she alwasy forgets, and then she gets all pissed off cause i wont eat wat she has fixed and i told her no and she kept saying "its onlyh a little just eat it" but i refused, even though they looked really good, i wasnt gooing to belike tha and eat an animal, but long story short after countless attempts at trying to convince me that i needed fish oil and shit, she gave up and was mad at me the whole fucking day i mean really, u tell people, no i odnt eat that im organic and im a vegetarian, the y dont listen and make fun of u cause they say its weir, no my parents are organic but not veggie, i wish they were veggie so that they wouldt try to push meat down my throat and then get mad when i donteat it, y cant people just respect and acpet ur decision?? grrrrrr
  2. IronGoth

    IronGoth Newbie

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    Vegetarianism is a disorder that mostly affects teenage girls.
  3. drew172

    drew172 Senior Member

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    ur an idiot(irongoth)
  4. mrsmorrison27

    mrsmorrison27 yoda piss

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    ok seriously, keep ur insults to urself, i have every right to be a vegetarian, if ur not one than y are u looking in this section of the forums, plz, keep ur negativity to urself, i beleive very strongly about not eating animals and u should respect that
  5. ophelia68977

    ophelia68977 Member

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    Eww that sucks, fish is gross.

    Maybe time to start making your own lunches...?
  6. stranger

    stranger Member

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    but you DO need fish oil dont you?

    sorry i just figured id keep the negative ignorant vibe in this thread consistent. sigh, i remember being 15, lol. im surprised your organic and veggie so soon in life, your lucky you didnt get too poisoned. i hope you stick with it and remember why its so important... its rewarding, dont you think? btw- flax seed and hemp seeds and peanuts are much healthier sources of essential fatty oils : ) and you should make your own lunches, maybe if you made a wide variety of good tasting healthy veg stuff they would consider changing?
  7. Apples+Oranjes

    Apples+Oranjes Bekkasaur

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    wow, that was really difficult to read....
  8. bwirth

    bwirth Member

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    I think your feelings are very valid. Your desire to be vegetarian is important to you and it is frustrating when people don't listen. However, I can sort of relate to your parents a little, too. They have raised you for the last fifteen years, constantly worrying if what they were feeding you was adequate or enough. They may know that not eating fish and being vegetarian is perfectly healthy, but they can't just readily eliminate the worry they have had to deal with for the past 15 years. It's also tough seeing your kids grow up and be smart and independent when they've depended on their parents their whole lives. My suggestion would be to let your parents know that you acknowledge their concerns and appreciate it, but that this is important to you. Plus, just continue to reiterate that being vegetarian is very healthy. Try to put yourself in their shoes a little.
  9. bwirth

    bwirth Member

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    Oh, and IronGoth, it's Liebe ist Krieg, NOT Lieben Ist Kreig.;)
  10. lakshen

    lakshen Forn SiĆ°r

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    Just butting in to that as a meateater :D

    If someone did that to me made all that, I'd be like 'Mmm... that's good... I'm having steak tomorrow'... I mean yeah you can make good veggie food, but that doesn't mean that people will just stop eating meat if they like it...

    But good work people, if you keep up your veggie ways, maybe start eating grass and leaves too... Then perhaps in a few houndred years we'll have our appendix working again :rolleyes:
  11. mystical_shroom

    mystical_shroom acerbic

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    Okay, this will be the only thing I say in this whole vegetarian forum cause I dont life coming in here for obvious reasons..
    But how can you say that people should respect that you are a vegetarian and keep the negativity to yourself and all that stuff.. but yet most of you dont respect people who eat meat at all and try to force being a vegetarian down their throat, I mean look at some of these threads in this forum..its laughable..
  12. Apples+Oranjes

    Apples+Oranjes Bekkasaur

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    hey man, or...MrsMorrison, check out my props thread and shed some positivity.

    Honestly, we all understand where you're coming from...And I support you. Just take a look at this whole forum, you'll come across many topics on the same plain as yours; we all go through it, and it's sort of something you either just have to get used to, or deal with in your own way.

    If you're consistent with your reaction towards situations like this, it seems to start to click in people's heads that you chose this liftestyle, and no one is going to tell you differently. After they realize that, they become more accepting, because they see there is nothing they can do to change it.

    As for your little rant, it sucks that your mom stayed mad at you all day, but also understand that a LOT of omnivores don't seem to grasp what being a vegetarian is all about, because they don't have the same way of looking at it as you do. Tons of people, when I first went veggie, somehow thought I could eat fish, and that they somehow weren't animals. After just, simply saying I chose not to eat it, rather then going on a rampage about how they ARE animals and have feelings, people began to understand and warm up. For the people who seem to think fish are not animals, it doesn't matter how many times you tell them that they are, so just don't...just simply say something like "I don't like fish" or "Maybe some do eat fish, but I don't want to."

    I give you props for sticking to your cause, regardless of the way your mom reacted.

    It's a great thing to have a mind of your own. :)

    And sorry for the last post, I just seem to have an issue with my eyes bugging out when certain slang is used, or lack of spaces/paragraphs. Please don't take any offense to it.

    Just calm down, take a deep breath, and type :)

    Anyway, I wish you luck on your further negative omni situations. I hope you remain true to your beliefs, and don't back down for anyone :)
  13. Apples+Oranjes

    Apples+Oranjes Bekkasaur

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    Thanks for the input. And that's not sarcasm either. Honestly, a lot of veggies/vegans DON'T shove their beliefs down others' throats... but, there are some that do, and I agree that they shouldn't.

    I like to discuss how I feel with other veggies and vegans, and open-minded omnis who ask me questions...but if no questions are asked, and they don't care to hear my opinion, I keep it to myself. That is, unless they verbally attack me first.

    But, try not to be too much of a hypocrite... although you, personally may not do so, there are just as many omnis who choose to give their opinion when unasked for, and shove beliefs down OUR throats. I never ran around saying "EVERYONE SHOULD GO VEGAN" [even if that's truly what I personally desire :p] ...but I still got a lot of shit from omnis when I first started out.

    Although I'm vegan myself, I agree that some veggies/vegans must realize that no matter how right they think it is to not eat animals/animal products, it's not right to push what they believe on others.
  14. DoktorAtomik

    DoktorAtomik Closed For Business

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    A fixation with big, throbbing bikes is a disorder that mostly affects sexually repressed teenage boys.
  15. Soulless||Chaos

    Soulless||Chaos SelfInducedExistence

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    Eh, I've seen various research on it, fish oil, especially from like salmon is the best source of like omega 3 fatty acids or whatnot, it's just they break down easier, so are best only if you eat the fish raw, when extracted and proccessed flax I suppose i better. :D But then, raw salmon is yummy. :D
  16. mystical_shroom

    mystical_shroom acerbic

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    You are right, it does go both ways. And I am not saying all vegetarian/vegans throw it in peoples faces or forces it on them cause I am friends with a lot of people who eating habbits/beliefs are all different but we are all friends and dont ever talk about it or anything..
    But some people wont even befriend or live with someone who doesnt have their eating habits ( i read that in a thread here) and I just dont understand that. Its great to believe in something so strongly, but to make others feel as though they are wrong, just isnt right..(and it does go both ways..)
    I probably made no sense..
    I like talking civil about this and I really appreciate what you said and stuff, thank you...
  17. DoktorAtomik

    DoktorAtomik Closed For Business

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    Not befriending's a bit harsh, but not living with a meat eater is entirely understandable. What you have to realise is that most veggies find meat eating morally disgusting - whether or not they judge the person doing it, they still find the actual act of cooking and eating flesh pretty horrible. Why would they want to put themselves in the position of being surrounded by something that disgusts them? Telling veggies that they don't have the right to distance themselves from something that disgusts them actually smacks a lot more of pushing your views down someone's throat than a veggie just trying to avoid being around meat. I'm sure that's not your intention, but try and understand that this is something that people feel strongly about. It's natural for veggies to want to avoid meat. That's not the same thing as judging you for eating it though.
  18. mystical_shroom

    mystical_shroom acerbic

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    I dont think I was pushing anything down anyones throat.. I was just seriously wondering and was curious and I just didnt understand..
    Still dont really, but thats soley on me though.
  19. DoktorAtomik

    DoktorAtomik Closed For Business

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    I didn't mean to suggest you were. I was just pointing out that it's all a matter of perspective. I could say you were pushing your opinion down someone's throat by saying veggies shouldn't restrict who they live with, and you could say veggies are pushing their opinion down someone's throat by refusing to live with meat eaters. It's all just a matter of perspective though and attempting to understand the feelings of those on both sides of the argument.
  20. mrsmorrison27

    mrsmorrison27 yoda piss

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    i have to strongly disagree, i have never tried to "convert" ne one to being a vegetarian, they ask i tell, end of story, if there interested in becoming one, i give the facts and all that, but i have never "tried to shove it down there throats" i respect thered decision as they should respect mine.

    oh yes and i was alittle tired when i wrote that hha, not alwasy the best punctuation and such sry bout that. ^_^

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