Growing up knowing I am a crossdresser

Discussion in 'Transexual and Transgender' started by HollyMG, Aug 24, 2021.

  1. HollyMG

    HollyMG Members

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    Growing up knowing I was into crossdressing started when I was 8 years old.Remember going into my mom's room and finding her pantyhose trying it on and I loved it.She suspected there was something about me way different than my two older brothers and younger brother.Did figure it out,I was the happy male whom liked to dress as the opposite gender Female.I finally told her that I liked dressing as a girl at times.Did listen to me very well and let me dress at home.My dad,he had a tough time with it and did take him time to accept this is me.My brothers,they learned very well I always been the brother with a feminine side to me.It was part time at first.Then after I started living on my own,Knew I wanted to crossdress fulltime as Holly fulltime.Finally at age 23,completely purged of my male wardrobe living a great life as Holly fulltime to this day.Married to a great supportive wife Heather,she has been into men dressing as women.
  2. KathyL

    KathyL Super Moderator Super Moderator

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    Welcome, Holly. It is nice to see a new "face" here.

    I figured out late in life that I was female. I transitioned at age 62. My wife stuck by me, and we are still together, happier than ever.
  3. HollyMG

    HollyMG Members

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    I knew that I loved the female wardrobe more,more stylish and comfortable to wear.
    Rocket73, ~Zen~ and arizonacook like this.
  4. HollyMG

    HollyMG Members

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    Wife loves having a shopping partner too and have our nails done together as well.She knows I love shoes and handbags.My family,they see me much happier as Holly fulltime to this day
    Rocket73, ~Zen~ and arizonacook like this.
  5. HollyMG

    HollyMG Members

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    My mom,she says I look better in a dress.This includes from my dad and brothers including other family members and friendsMemories of it,I remember as a young man seeing my mom wearing dresses and heels when we went to formal events and weddings.I hated wearing the suits and ties and wanted to wear the dress and heels
    Rocket73 and ~Zen~ like this.
  6. KathyL

    KathyL Super Moderator Super Moderator

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    I have never met anyone who dressed full-time in women's clothes but identified as male. Your path is more common among those who identify as female. I am curious if you have thought about your gender identity, and if so, why you identify as male.
    Rocket73 and ~Zen~ like this.
  7. HollyMG

    HollyMG Members

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    I live a happy life as male and love dressing as a woman fulltime
    Rocket73 and ~Zen~ like this.
  8. BiGuySW

    BiGuySW Members

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    I don't know about Holly, but I identify as pan-gender. I truly feel my best in the knowledge that I embody the entire gender spectrum.

    The binary thing is so confining and constricting, similar to what are considered "men's clothes", an arrangement of garments that splits a person in half right at the waistline. My favorite garment is one I picked up for less than a dollar at the bargain rack of a thrift store not too long ago, a plain spandex full length dress with long sleeves. It fits loosely, but gently clings along my entire length in a constantly changing pattern when I move about. When I wear it, it unifies my whole body with no sense of constriction or bifurcation. It gives me a comforting sense of wholeness.
    Rocket73 and PrettyToni like this.
  9. HollyMG

    HollyMG Members

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    Other family members noticed it too,saw I acted feminine at times.My dad's side of the family,my Aunt Francine noticed I loved wearing her heels although they were too big for me.Aunt Kathy,she caught me putting her make up on a couple times too.Both saw I was going to grow up feminine in a way and they were right.Both see me happy as Holly fulltime and know I am never going to dress as male anymore
    Rocket73 and snowtiggernd like this.
  10. KathyL

    KathyL Super Moderator Super Moderator

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    That is quite a change in less than a week.

    I am not criticizing. It can be difficult to uncover the layers, and more so to express the resulting realizations. But still, that is quite a change in less than a week.
    If I may ask, what changed in your self-perception?
    Rocket73 and ~Zen~ like this.
  11. HollyMG

    HollyMG Members

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    Wife saw a change in me in July,I wasn't being myself and asked me which I opened up to her.There was a part of my life in my early teens,having the feelings I was born the wrong gender.I was 13 or 14 when this happened.
  12. KathyL

    KathyL Super Moderator Super Moderator

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    I am happy for you that you figured it out.

    It might be time to stop saying that you "want to become" a woman, and to start saying that you ARE a woman. And always have been.
    PrettyToni likes this.

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