I'm saving the big woven plastic cat food bags to plant potatoes in. Here's a how-to http://www.the-chicken-chick.com/2013/05/tater-totes-feed-bag-potato-patch.html
This is a good idea. I have some growing in a styrofoam eski box. If you have small space, and can do this, you'll never buy a potato again. i was going to reply "what people still actually buy potatoes" but then you'd already done what I thought should be done. =]
Okay, I changed the thread title a little bit. Back in the older days, people would stack old tires and plant them in those. Have you seen tomatoes planted in hay bales? https://www.yahoo.com/news/bad-soil-no-soil-plant-straw-bales-instead-172014019.html?ref=gs