Greta Thunberg

Discussion in 'People' started by newo, Sep 28, 2019.

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  1. newo

    newo Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    ”People are suffering, people are dying, entire ecosystems are collapsing. We are in the beginning of a mass extinction and all you can talk about is money and fairytales of eternal economic growth.”

    Well we can't deny a word of that. She hit the nail right on the head. And yet some dismiss her as a naïve teenager with mental issues. Trump tweeted sarcastically, "She seems like a very happy young girl looking forward to a bright and wonderful future. So nice to see!"

    So unless you're a climate change denier, aka moron, how can you simply dismiss her and her message?
    DrRainbow, ZenKarma and granite45 like this.
  2. Pressed_Rat

    Pressed_Rat Do you even lift, bruh?

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    Pure propaganda. And when it comes from a child it's harder for people to criticize it even though she is clearly an actress.

    Her speech was soooo dramatic and soooo fake. You don't speak before the UN unless you're first vetted by some very rich and very powerful people with an agenda.

    People are sooo braindead if they fall for this garbage.
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2019
  3. wooleeheron

    wooleeheron Brain Damaged Lifetime Supporter

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    Smack talk is all republicans know, and smacking down children is a family tradition.
    scratcho likes this.
  4. onceburned

    onceburned Banned

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    she's an actor. but I see a lot of hate and some psychosis...….
    Eric!, Mustard Tiger and Pressed_Rat like this.
  5. tumbling.dice

    tumbling.dice Visitor

    Actually, the first thing I wondered about was who are the people sponsoring her. Using a kid as a political pawn is pretty shitty.

    I am in no way a climate change denier. I have trust in the scientists that research these types of things and have no reason to doubt them. I've simply accepted that nothing will be done. Will humans go extinct? Possibly. Will we take a large part of the current ecosystem with us when we go? Probably. Worrying about things that can't (or won't) be changed is a futile waste of time.
    Eric! and Pressed_Rat like this.
  6. Meliai

    Meliai Members

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    I dont see how she's being used as a political pawn when politicians arent actually doing anything she wants done. She's calling them out for their inaction and apathy directly to their faces
    Ciderman_nz and Driftrue like this.
  7. tumbling.dice

    tumbling.dice Visitor

    Well, maybe. I haven't done any investigating so I don't really know. But when I see a 16 year old kid addressing the UN I am immediately suspicious.
    Logan 5, onceburned, Eric! and 2 others like this.
  8. onceburned

    onceburned Banned

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    lets say an attempted political pawn.
    Mustard Tiger and Pressed_Rat like this.
  9. Pressed_Rat

    Pressed_Rat Do you even lift, bruh?

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    HOW DARE YOU!!!!!!!
  10. onceburned

    onceburned Banned

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    LOLOL just saying what I see :)
  11. onceburned

    onceburned Banned

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    now lets be real, how are we supposed to go green without upending the whole world? are all of you willing to ride a horse to work ? and give up your AC? and your nice new house? would you be willing to tear it down for a " green " house ?
  12. wooleeheron

    wooleeheron Brain Damaged Lifetime Supporter

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    The US pays half the bills for both NATO and the UN and constantly threatens to withdraw support, because the UN loves nothing more than to criticize the US for human rights abuses and environmental destruction. As well deserved as all the criticism happens to be, it has obviously all fallen on deaf ears for over half a century. She is not talking to the people causing the pollution, which is the international conglomerates, nor is she talking to the US directly, which is the only country capable of actually promoting serious changes. She is talking to the UN knowing damned well they can't do a thing except, give her a public forum for criticizing the US.
    Pressed_Rat and onceburned like this.
  13. granite45

    granite45 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    She is a very smart and courageous person. I taught climatology for ten years and the scientific evidence is horrifying, undeniable, and irrefutable. I don’t know how any adult can look their children in the eye and short term gain is more important than your future. As to some of the posts in this thread...Have you no shame?
  14. wooleeheron

    wooleeheron Brain Damaged Lifetime Supporter

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    It is illegal to vote for Mickey Mouse in Maryland, while our teachers keep urging their students to vote, despite knowing damned well the entire system has been gerrymandered to death. My shame is the idiots who still keep insisting after half a century that complaining in the mass media and voting the bums out of office is any kind of solution to anything. My shame is the US having the worst human rights record in the developed world and our teachers insisting voting the bums out of office is the solution.

    Fuck academics, fuck the UN, fuck the US government, fuck the mass media, fuck all these little kids teachers, and do it soon or you won't have a planet left. The revolution will not be televised, nor will your teachers, mass media, or anyone else have anything useful to say about it. Everything has to change, now or never, and nobody even has a clue that its all got to change, because their teachers could not even teach a child how to share their words and play nice, and recognize when they've sold themselves down the fucking river!

    Slave cultures always sell their own souls to the highest bidder.
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2019
  15. guerillabedlam

    guerillabedlam _|=|-|=|_

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  16. wooleeheron

    wooleeheron Brain Damaged Lifetime Supporter

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    When people start dying by the billions, she will be among the first to storm the palace and die with them. I hold her teachers accountable, because 12 years of public education is a complete waste of a human soul.
  17. guerillabedlam

    guerillabedlam _|=|-|=|_

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    I think it's good that young people like her are passionate about the topic.

    Her rhetoric and delivery was mostly an appeal to emotion and because of this, I can see why some might suspect she's a political pawn but it could just be the fact that only been doing speeches for a couple years.
    eggsprog likes this.
  18. wooleeheron

    wooleeheron Brain Damaged Lifetime Supporter

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    The only thing good about her anger is that anger is more useful than getting depressed. I intend to teach children just like her, how to get very angry at the societies which have destroyed their future. To publicly reject everything their own parents and teachers stand for. What do you think would happen right now, if every child and teacher in the US protested?

    Anybody still insisting a gerrymandered vote and shredded constitution are still meaningful, gets what the fuck they deserve. Occupy was merely the tip of the iceberg melting.
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2019
  19. Driftrue

    Driftrue Banned

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    It's funny how people say "it's so fucked up to use a child because they know it's harder to criticise a child!"

    When it looks like they're finding it very easy to criticise her.
    parua, eggsprog, Meliai and 1 other person like this.
  20. wooleeheron

    wooleeheron Brain Damaged Lifetime Supporter

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    The same 40% of Americans insisting Donald Duck is being productive, have the worst rape, abortion, divorce, child abuse, and suicide record in the entire developed world. Nothing these assholes can say can shock me anymore, its what nobody else is saying that shocks me. Their children need to learn how to share their words and play nice, or die. Not only are their parents destroying the world, they are dying younger and reproducing less attempting to buy happiness.

    Already, the children of Fundamentalists have abandoned church services en mass and are steadily adopting views such as tolerance for homosexuality that their parents would never contemplate. Our only hope is to encourage them to reject everything their parents, the government, and the corporations stand for, starting with the fucking assholes teaching them to be good drones and keep casting meaningless votes and arguing over complete bullshit. You don't have to be a fucking rocket scientist to know the entire culture is sick and dying and dragging the entire world down with it. I will even teach their children how to encourage them to die faster and reproduce even less often. Many would love nothing more than to know such insane assholes as the ones who raised them are an endangered species.

    I've actually had little kids beg me to make their teachers suffer, and I promised them I would make it so cheap and easy to automate their teachers would all crawl under their desk out of shame. The pyramids are only a fitting monument to a dead slave culture.
    Last edited: Sep 29, 2019
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