Just came across this site this morning looking for a Venus 2000 forum. Interesting looking place so I joined. MartNorth
Hey there! Just looked up Venus 2000, and it looks like an interesting toy - I know lots of guys who love edging, so that looks like a great tool. Do you have one? What's your experience with it? Just curious! Anyway, welcome and enjoy your stay here.
I've had it about 4 years now. I just love the way it feels, no mattering I'm hard or softened to bendable, It'll keep going and giving please til I turn it off. In the winter time when it's cold and dark out, that can be for hours. Best hanging over men so it's free to guild. In see and old task lamp for that.
Not sure how you ended up here - but welcome to HIP - one trusts the interaction will see mutual education and enjoyment within the appropriate forum