Hello All, Over the last few years, I've been struggling with the realization that I'm probably not as straight as I thought, or pretended to be most of my life.Now at 62, I am struggling even harder with how to express it, and whether I even should. To say that these feelings scare me is an understatement. At times I may sound confident, but that's just a cover so that I don't break down. I'm not sure where I'm going or what to do, but I hope to gather a little something here that helps me move forward. Thanks for reading, and I hope to have good conversations on many topics. "The Hellblazer"
Hi , I haven't been here long but I can tell you that there are some very good people here and they will help you however you may wish. If I can help I am happy to try. Nicky x
THanks for the supportive words @nickynicky I hope we can chat some time. I would appreciate perspectives from everyone. I've been browsing and finding many with similar issues, but some of my specific hangups haven't bee adressed, so perhaps I can work things out.
Welcome from Oregon. Life can be confusing, however it doesn't last very long in the vast scheme of human situations. Try and do what you wish to do before yours is over. Never mind what others think--they will be gone also, just as surely as you and I .