As an alien, I like to think, write, imagine, emote, and figure out the inner workings of . . . well, practically anything entices my curious mind - including you, but we'll forego the anal probe . . . for now. That is, until we become much better acquainted. ;-) "Say what you mean, and Mean what you say," is the motto by which I endeavor to live, as I seek others who're willing to do the same. Those with backgrounds in the social sciences will find me an enthusiastic advocate, though I'm also interested in various technologies, and abstract thinking and theories from various sources. I adore the Arts, history, science, and learning in general, but I have the heart of a creative writer riding a friendly, colorful, transformative monster, who also happens to be my best friend, Genuine. If we like you, perhaps you'll be invited for a ride as well. ;-) Yes, THAT kind of ride, you wanton slut, but don't get too excited . . . I may be easy going, but my boundaries are far from easily infiltrated. And by "we," I mean, me, myself and I for Imaginary. Hey, clarity is important, yo?! So follow the yellow brick road, while skipping to the rabbit hole, and singing your favorite songs. Jump, slide, or otherwise traverse the tunnels and caves of your imagination [psychonauts unite]. I'm just over there, where fancy takes flight and fact may be stranger than fiction, especially at 420 time. Wherever I be, both real and imagined limits are tasted, tested, and triangulated for future reference. Upon entering my sphere of influence, you'll notice I am drawn to diversity, variety, and viewing any topic from multifaceted perspectives - always prospecting for better understanding of self and others. Also worth noting, within me, critical thinking and compassion are bestest friends, not frenemies. I imagine this as a balancing act, or 'seesaw of reason' - ever seeking the perfect balance through exploration and debate, pros vs cons, angels vs devils, fantasy vs reality, RPG vs Action vs Shooter vs Indie, etc, et al. :23: If you're still with me, we should mingle, or at least play cooperatively on Xbox Live or PSN. If you're lost, welcome to humanity, where we aim to put the I in U 4 $. Pfft. What I know? I'm an alien! Peace Out, peeps.