Let's collect a list of greatest inventions of the 20th century that have changed the world! List the inventor and year if possible. I'll start: Integrated Circuit (1958, Jack Kilby)
the birth control pill Carl Djerassi discovered/developed it and it was first released as in 1956 as a cure for menstrual disorders, because promoting birth control was essentially illegal. It was approved for use as a contraceptive in 1960, in 1965 they removed restrictions for married couples to get the pill and in 1972 it was made widely available to anyone.
without a doubt, the cpu on a chip and the personal computers it made possible. that's the most completely obvious.
pretty much everything that's been launched from from the earths surface into low earth orbit and beyond. starting of course with sputnik, in 1957. (i think both sliced bread and indoor plumbing, while they may not have been common everywhere at the time, were developed in the 19th. and while the flush type commode may have been developed in the 19th, some indoor plumbing in isolated, often forgotten cultures, such as minoen crete, may have existed a thousand years before that)
How about the one invention that made the rest that you have mentioned with the possible exception of indoor plumbing and the polio vaccine. The electric generator. Without it none of those other inventions would have come to be. And we probably wouldn't even be having this conversation in this format. C/S, Rev J
Oh man, I was gonna say the electric guitar but I see that was already taken. I don't know, man. Nintendo, maybe? The Atari, Playstation, Dreamcast, etc., all those wonderful consoles, Not to mention video games to be exact. Who the creator was, I don't even know and at this point I don't care as much as I should, unfortunately. Just to throw this in there, I believe thrash metal to be the greatest thing ever, I don't know what my life would be without it. Truly an inspiration and definitely contributed much to this world, ha ha!
Me. I was invented in 1989, and released to the public in 1990. OK in all seriousness the airplane in 1903.
in the nineteenth century, refrigeration but in the twentieth a toss up between the internet, us gov, 1960s and the frisbee, fred morrison and his wife 1938.
You must have misunderstood the question. It was "Greatest Inventions..." not the most overall destructive invention of all time.
The laser (1960, Theodore H. Maime) Without the laser, fiber optic communications over significant distance would hardly be possible (and thus, the internet as we know it) Turing Machine (1936, Alan Turing) The entire field of computer science may have never existed had it not been for this.