1. Growing old is mandatory; growing up is optional. 2. Insanity is the only means of relaxation. 3. Forget the health food. I need all the preservatives I can get. 4. You're getting old when you get the same sensation from a rocking chair that you once got from a roller coaster. 5. I was put on Earth to accomplish a certain number of things; right now, I am so far behind, I will live forever. 6. I finally got my head together, and my body fell apart. 7. There cannot be a crisis this week; my schedule is already full. 8. Just when I was getting used to yesterday, along came today. 9. Sometimes I think I understand everything... then I regain consciousness. 10. Seen it all, done it all, can't remember most of it.
as far as your life goes you have less and less to lose...this makes it easier to die valoriously when the situation calls for it!....cause your throwing less out to vanquish your foe!
I really like #'s 5,7, and 8. ~ Not sure if I'm old enough to comment or truly appreciate them but those insights spoke to me...
i hate old folks yes i do. song. bad culture. wilber. i think therres a thing to deviate folk. disenfranchise..pre agricultural grr naw my shit aches old people suck............sum liar