O Grandmother Spirit Come watch over me. Cover me with your warm embrace And talk to me of peace. Whisper to me through the rustle of the leaves That all is well. I see the shades of green that sparkle in your eyes And your cloak of summer leaves Hides me from the world outside. Into your arms of tenderness I will escape And rest awhile so as to regain my strength. Tell me of the child within my soul That cries for home. Let me return to that forgotten place Before all time began When all I knew was joy. O Grandmother Spirit Be with me tonight And hold me like a child upon your lap. Talk to me of dreams and fairy lands And as I listen to your soft and tender voice I'll slip away with you into the land of sleep. I"ll walk and dance and skip And run through ancient forests deep Into a magic dream I'll roam With unicorns and gnomes, I'll play All through the night and day. Forgetting all that I once knew I will remember truth and love Where bodies made of light Will join me upon a crystal path And take me home to you. ~Phoenix (Julie)~