Grabbed by Another Woman

Discussion in 'Men's Issues' started by Mysteron, Sep 16, 2019.

  1. Captain Scarlet

    Captain Scarlet Lifetime Supporter

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    I appreciate at first some of you will be asking what's the problem and wished it would happen to me etc... But this has been niggling at me all the time since .I am also not single .

    On Saturday night at our usual cabaret/nightclub, I was dancing with my wife to a slow number and then out of the blue my arse was grabbed and when I turned around I felt this woman's boobs gong into my chest . I have never seen this woman before so I cant be accused of flirting or encouraging this situation. I told her this wasn't a good idea and told her to go and pushed her back . My wife then realising what was going on launched her back another 3 yards and told her to go in no uncertain terms . At this point the other woman's friend carted her off out of the way. I later got an apology from the friend .
    But I can't help thinking should I have informed the club manageress and got her removed ? I am sure If I had done something similar to another woman I would have been bounced across the floor by the doormen . I am fed up of the term "man up" .Why should it have been different because I am a guy ?

    So do you think I should have taken stronger action ?
    BIGDUMMY, clickerhill and Eric! like this.
  2. clickerhill

    clickerhill Visitor

    No, I don't think you should have taken a stronger action. She was obviously drunk, found you attractive so she latched on to you. No big deal, your wife made it clear to her that you belonged with her. That is really all that mattered. Haven't you done something stupid when you were drunk? She probably woke in the morning regretting her actions.
  3. soulcompromise

    soulcompromise Member HipForums Supporter

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    I got grabbed once in a big crowd in Isla Vista (near Goleta, north of Santa Barbara). You may remember it for the 2014 mass shooting incident. But for my entire early life it was a major partying destination. Specifically the area known as Del Playa, which was also just the name of the street where most of the major partying occurred; though it frequently spilled out throughout the rest of Isla Vista.

    So anyway, this one time I was there minding my own business walking through the partying crowd in the middle of one of their streets and low and behold some young woman grabbed my ass! :D

    This was in the late 90s. I didn't expect any such sexualized behavior from young women. But it happened. I know I've mentioned it before. But I now that I think about it, I guess that was sort of a compliment. :)

    BIGDUMMY, clickerhill and Mysteron like this.
  4. Captain Scarlet

    Captain Scarlet Lifetime Supporter

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    I do take it has a compliment but this is now the third time in as many years . The previous encounters are slightly different. I was spanked on my arse at a Christmas do. This was a do arranged by one of our suppliers and therefore my OH. wasn't with me As I can't stand jewellery , I don't wear a wedding band so for all intents and purposes I perhaps looked single and so I let that one go.

    The summer previous to this one just gone , I was at a busy bar and I saw when I looked down these hands wrap around my waist . I thought at first it was my wife messing about until I noticed the jewellery was different . I just told this woman to pack it in as my wife was just out of sight . I think if my Mrs had seen it things could have got much worse.

    So its not the first time and that's why I am wondering if I should take stronger action in reporting it as I am sure this would be the case if I was the perpetrator ?
    BIGDUMMY and clickerhill like this.
  5. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    If have nailed her and your wife
    That way
    You're just sticking it to both of them :D
    clickerhill likes this.
  6. I'minmyunderwear

    I'minmyunderwear Newbie

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    sounds like she hit on you and your wife physically assaulted her. i'd say ya'll are pretty even without taking any further action.
    Lynnbrown and clickerhill like this.
  7. Meliai

    Meliai Members

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    Honestly though women usually let this sort of thing slide too, I wouldnt get someone kicked out of a club for grabbing my ass. If he went further than that sure, or if he didnt leave me alone after I told him to leave me alone or if I felt like he was a danger to my safety I would tell the manager. But I think you would be surprised how often women let things like this slide
    Lynnbrown, clickerhill and Eric! like this.
  8. Tyrsonswood

    Tyrsonswood Senior Moment Lifetime Supporter

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    Yeah... This never happens.
  9. soulcompromise

    soulcompromise Member HipForums Supporter

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    I got bopped on the ass with a rolled up newspaper/program/some other shit rolled up once. I don't know or remember what it was but I remember when it happened and who did it. It was so totally beyond my comprehension and inappropriate. It was the guy training a group of young people to do taxes for free for people who can't afford H & R Block or Liberty or one of those. Anyway, yeah... bopped on the ass! :)
    clickerhill and KL71 like this.
  10. KL71

    KL71 Yanks since '81/Fins since '83 :)

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    I guess ON was better than IN with that case! :flushed:
  11. Deidre

    Deidre Follow thy heart

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    This is a refreshing thread. I thought for sure this would turn into...and then my wife and I took her home and we fucked all night long. Now, we're joining a cult together.

    Hey, it is HF after all. :tearsofjoy:

    To your question, if you had informed the manager, she might have been escorted out, you never know. But, yea...a lot of times, women are given passes and men aren't, for exhibiting the same bad behaviors in life. I guess it depends on the circles...sometimes, women can be judged harsher than men...for example, if a woman has a lot of sex partners, she might get slut shamed, whereas men don't go through that AT ALL. That is one instance of the double standard going the other way. Life's not fair, either way maybe?
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2019
  12. KL71

    KL71 Yanks since '81/Fins since '83 :)

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    Damn it, Deidre! How are you so fast with that stuff? :laughing:
    Deidre likes this.
  13. Deidre

    Deidre Follow thy heart

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    I'm so used to reading those threads...''we invited my coworker in for a threesome last week, and now she wants to live with us...should we?'' lol I honestly thought this was another one of ''those'' threads.

    Sorry, OP. Back to you original topic........
    clickerhill, Eric! and KL71 like this.
  14. KL71

    KL71 Yanks since '81/Fins since '83 :)

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    A quote I kinda heard once: A couple and another partner is a threesome. A boyfriend and girlfriend are a twosome. If you're by yourself at night, it's a handsome. (Something like that at least!) :grinning:
    clickerhill and Eric! like this.
  15. Vanilla Gorilla

    Vanilla Gorilla Go Ape

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    The actual act of getting your ass grabbed though

    What is exactly so offensive?

    I got to say, I dont understand, speaking as a guy, I dont get what the big deal is.

    Far more annoyed if I whack a shin on the edge of a coffee table than if some one pinches my ass
    clickerhill and soulcompromise like this.
  16. quark

    quark Parts Unknown

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    I would have laughed about it at the time. When I got home, I would have used it as an opportunity to "get things going" with the ol' lady, because by that time in my life, I would have probably exhausted every single roleplaying exercise imaginable.

    For some reason I imagined myself at 55 years of age in this scenario.

    I probably would have done the same thing today... Not that I've run out of ideas... No... Hmm... Does anyone have a book called "The book of sex" I could borrow?
    clickerhill likes this.
  17. tumbling.dice

    tumbling.dice Visitor

    Hurray for your wife...she sounds like a good woman.
    Eric! and clickerhill like this.
  18. soulcompromise

    soulcompromise Member HipForums Supporter

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    When I got bopped on the ass with a rolled up program or something like that it pissed me off because: a) it could have been a weird old guy sex thing, b) it was a supervisor doing it, and c) I don't like being touched in that way.

    If it were a girl, I most likely would have understood it as flirtatious. As such it seemed SO inappropriate. I don't think he is gay or bi. He's married to someone's mom I knew in seventh grade! Lol. The outrage... :sunglasses:
    clickerhill likes this.
  19. I'minmyunderwear

    I'minmyunderwear Newbie

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    i've complained to management several times about that.
  20. I had one manager stuff my paycheck into my front pocket, if that makes you feel any better.
    clickerhill and rollingalong like this.

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