Decriminalizing means you can smoke it and it is not a crime that can put you behind bars. It is a step. No more criminal penalties, a small fine ... like a parking ticket. If it were a crime the penalties are a lot heavier. Most cops won’t bother with the fine. Too much paperwork and a waste of time.
Like all the other above posts. Why does this matter? Most of the western states have already fully legalized. Virginia is a little late to this game. Besides, Northam is still an openly racist parasite. Comparable to Trudeau with his yearbook photo.
CBD is probably already legal there. They cant tell the difference without labs or tests, these cost money. Why waste money on weed, unless youre smoking it..
The problem with that idea is that your fine could be on record just like your traffic tickets and could later be used against you in criminal, as well as civil proceedings. This would spread a very wide net which could end up putting thousands behind bars.
same thing in Toronto. If everyone just lights up in public, which happened, they had bigger fish to fry and just let it go most of the time. The paper work for the fine was more work than it was worth. Keeps them off the streets. They won’t bother. Others will be like, ok I can do it at home, no problem, they won’t be issuing a warrant if I am not selling. Personal use... it is like drinking on the street, not permitted either.