We're considering starting up an Auction site (like E-bay), for anyone looking to sell stuff online. It can be new, homemade, or used. The plan is to update our HipMarket.com site with auction software. Would you use such a site, and what might you sell there? Serious responses only, thanks.
I might well use it. CD's, books, some craft items would be the general line for me. I'm increasingly pissed off with ebay these days.
Serious response: I wouldn't use it. I already use ebay and amazon, and I cannot imagine something that would be sold here that I couldn't get on said sites.
I wouldn't use it. If I wanted to sell something I would probably first try locally through kijiji or craigslist, and would then list it on ebay.
sounds like a good idea, but I can see the terms of service and acceptable use policy being a daunting undertaking
Maybe.... I won't sell on eBay anymore. I might sell a few thing here. How much "like eBay" is it going to be?
What don't I have to sell here, is more the question...... art, comics, books, Stan wanted me to sell alot of his sports items.... dolls, toys, dishes, lamps any household item you can think of, jewelry, children's clothes....etc, . etc....... but I have not even been doing the work for it on ebay, so will I here? I don't know.... but what a great idea!
BITCOIN AS A PAYMENT PLATFORM AND I WILL SELL HERE .. at least sometimes, unforunately in the US we still need the dollar
Actually there WILL be handmade items that you cannot get anywhere else. So once again you don't know what you're talking about. Of course why would you want to support a site (and it's creative members) on which you've already made 20,000+ posts? Nah, give your money to some multinational corporation, far better use than supporting small crafts and your online "friends". Don't worry Piaf, we aren't interested in what you have to sell (you've been selling it all over hipforums already) And lastly Piaf, it really helps to READ THE TITLE of the thread before you post. It's about SELLING, not buying, but go ahead and be as negative as you can even off-topic!
I dont think its a bad idea as long as you aren't looking at it as something that will generate a lot of profit - like others have pointed out, there's no way it could compete with amazon, eBay, or etsy. as an added bonus for hipforums members and a place where we can share our crafts and art I think its a great idea.