I feel welcoming the new forums and wishing it a good night is in order..its first night, its new bed... and a new day tomorrow... with even more confused forumers come along..Good Night..Sleep TightDon't let those bed bug's bite...See you all tomorrowxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hehehe, the good night thread back again! Don't think I ever posted on the last one, maybe I never slept? Ah well, soon to bed for me too, good night Dandi....
I think I passed out before this thread happened... So I'll say GOod morning instead!! GOOD MORNING EVERYONE!!
i wasn't around when this was put up last night either so....... GOOOOOOOD MORNIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!! he he have wonderful days people-im off to work namaste x x x
Jesus H Christ on a Yamaha, some of those fonts are a bugger to read Dandi! I reckon we should all try to stick to font colours that don't cause blindness at a rate surpassed only by Power_13's nightly rituals....
wish i was asleep im all tyred but my final art project is due on weds and i have so much to do *yawwn* so now sleep for me...or not yet at least... night night forums anyways and nightnight all daisylou
the sun is shining, the weather is sweet, hmmmmm guess me should be moving my dancing feet!!! bit of a sore head though......never had hayfever, an don't want this to be the year it starts! and your wonderful self? namaste x x x
Hey man, for what it's worth, I enjoy the old tradition of Power_10 poking me in the eyes before bed...