Google is a mainly software-media company so what the fucking hell do they have to gain from this forced obsolescence fucking bullshit? I've got Chrome browsers on XP and vista machines giving me nags "We're not going to give you anymore updates because Microsoft is not going to update your OS". So fucking what? What kind of candy ass fucking bullshit excuse is that!? There's no fucking reason to not toss out an update to an XP or Vista Chrome install. Even if there was some lame "we can't be bothered to change two lines of code to keep compatible with an old DLL file or some shit". You could at least fuck off and not put an annoying nag banner over your software before it even happens. Yes, I know the useless nag can be turned off by adding "--disable-infobars" switch to the target file location (right click on chrome / properties / Shortcut). Also, while Microsoft OFFICIALLY does not support XP, they actually do still UNOFFICIALLY support XP until at least 2018 for business machines. So there will still be security updates coming out for the next two years. As so I've been told. Androids, I have collected a few android devices, some newer, some older. All useful for various different reasons, media players, car GPS... youtube... NO NO! STOP EVERYTHING, SCRATCH THAT LAST ONE! Why why why??? OK so I have an older phone, USED to play YOUTUBE just fine even 720p video, just fucking fine. Nope not anymore, outmoded overnight motherfucker! Yesterday your phone could play billions of our videos, now; nope, nothing, not even 340p video. Error Error, not compatible, your hardware can't pull it off... BULL FUCKING SHIT! Reset the phone to factory and went to re-install ES File Explorer from Google Play Store... Nope, No No, not any more... "This version is not compatible with this device... throw it away it's useless, throw everything away, buy new, buy new, TRASH THE FUCKING PLANET!" TRASH THE FUCKING PLANET YOU GREEDY CONSUMER WHORE-MASTERING NEEDLESSLY OUTMODING SONS OF FUCKING BITCH WHORES!!! If ES File Explorer worked on my phone YESTERDAY... THEN GIVE ME THE OPTION TO DOWNLOAD THE FUCKING VERSION I HAD YESTERDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHRG!!!!!!!!!!
Got Google Chrome Installed In My XP 2 Months Ago Since I Was Getting Notes That Sites Were No Longer Going To Support It. Then, About 2 Weeks After The Install Google Throw Up What You Just Said. They Say Click Here For More Information But When I Do They Prompt Me To Install Google Chrome....????.....WTF..... Cheers Glen.
The Most Reliable And Trouble Free Program In The History Of The Intertubes. That's Why They Want To Get Rid Of It, It Was Just TOO GOOD And As Such They Were Not Making Enough Money Out Of It. Cheers Glen.
Ahhh, 2001, I remember it like it was 15 years ago Holy shit, you all have a 15 yr old OS When its barmitzvah?
i just assumed pissed off computer guys would offer home made updates? i have xp on my back up laptop
Close your butt cheeks, VG. We have over 20 computers in the house with everything from Win 98 to Win 8.1.
I'm annoyed with it too. My pc with xp would not need any change for some time, but they simply force you to spend money on new crap (that will probably be outdated again in 2 years). Nasty and unnecessary, that's what it is. edit: spelling