GOOD NEWS! (for a change!)

Discussion in 'Bisexual' started by GrayGuy57, Nov 29, 2022.

  1. GrayGuy57

    GrayGuy57 Members

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    Just heard that the law to protect same-sex marriage has cleared the final Senate hurdle!

    ABOUT TIME we have some GOOD news on the national front!:)

    Seems that there IS some justice, after all, in this highly-divided nation!;)
    J Mike, KathyL, Suburbanray and 2 others like this.
  2. GrayGuy57

    GrayGuy57 Members

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    In our Constitution it clearly states:

    "All men are created equal".

    Any narrow-minded, homophobic bigot who thinks that gay and bisexual males are BENEATH him, and NOT his EQUAL, would do well in remembering these words from the Constitution......
    J Mike and Jcinalco like this.
  3. GrayGuy57

    GrayGuy57 Members

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    Ever wonder what a STRAIGHT male would feel if he were told that he could NOT marry the woman he wanted to spend the rest of his life with?

    IMHO, marriage (whether straight or gay) is a COMMITMENT between two loving individuals....PERIOD.

    Sexual orientation, gender, religion is NOT important.....the LOVE is.

    IMHO, LOVE is color-blind, among other things........I'd much rather see two people LOVING one in another, in a lifelong relationship based on love, truth, and respect, than to have two people HATING each other, and wishing the other had never been born.

    The heart knows nothing about sexuality, color, race, or religion.........LOVE is at its very foundation.....
    J Mike likes this.
  4. Suburbanray

    Suburbanray Members

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    There are some gotchas to the bill, though.
    Biggest is it doesn't codify the Obergefell decision. So the Supreme Court can still reverse it, then it would be chaos stare by state just like with abortion right now.
    So it's a step in the right direction, but doesn't force states to perform gay marriage, and had some wide cutouts for religious exemption to still discriminate.
    GrayGuy57 likes this.
  5. GrayGuy57

    GrayGuy57 Members

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    Yes, I agree.

    It IS, indeed, a step in the RIGHT direction, most certainly, but there is STILL much that remains "up in the air".

    You cannot help but wonder if any of the opponents to gay marriage have any gay family members.

    IMHO, politics and bigotry are NEVER a good mix.....chances are, at some point, there will be an explosion of some sort.......

    "Live long and prosper"
    J Mike likes this.
  6. thepapasmurph

    thepapasmurph Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    that's disappointing to read... what good does it do, then? and the House still needs to get on the ball and finalize it before the new congress comes in.
    GrayGuy57 likes this.
  7. GrayGuy57

    GrayGuy57 Members

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    I could not agree more.

    "Get while the getting is good."

    Finalize it NOW.........NO foot-dragging.......finalize it NOW before it is TOO LATE.......

    "Live long and prosper"
  8. KathyL

    KathyL Super Moderator Super Moderator

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    What does it do then?
    thepapasmurph likes this.
  9. thepapasmurph

    thepapasmurph Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    I think most of us see the headlines, think we've got good news here - only to dig a little deeper, and know we have not really secured equality or safety in this piece of legislation. It sure looks good on the headlines and interviews with married couples sigh relief - ultimately, though - we have some progress but not enough to crow about.
    GrayGuy57 likes this.
  10. GrayGuy57

    GrayGuy57 Members

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    I think that this is indeed a case of either looking at "a glass half-full" or, "a glass half-empty".

    Gays (and bisexuals) are American citizens who, like their heterosexual counterparts, are integral components of this nation, and, as such, are ENTITLED to EVERY BENEFIT this nation has to offer.

    "Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness".........yes, good people, these God-given rights are NOT just for heterosexual citizens, but ALL of us........regardless of sexual orientation, race, or religion.......

    "Live long and prosper"
    J Mike likes this.
  11. thepapasmurph

    thepapasmurph Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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  12. GrayGuy57

    GrayGuy57 Members

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    Just my 2 1/2 cents worth, here.....

    Realistically, NO MARRIAGE (straight or gay) is ever one long honeymoon, except in old movies, songs, and books.

    In the course of day-to-day leaving, there's GOING to be arguments, disagreements, and the trials and tribulations we all encounter, every day of our lives.

    BUT......IF a marriage is STRONG on BOTH sides....and there is equal LOVE, RESPECT, and HONESTY........that, I feel, is the cornerstone of a SOLID marriage.

    Sadly, all too often, when we observe a marriage that SEEMS happy and solid, it, often, is just the opposite.

    That is why, I strongly believe, that marriage is a TREMENDOUS undertaking for ANY individual, straight, gay, male, or female..........

    "Live long and prosper"
    J Mike and KathyL like this.
  13. GrayGuy57

    GrayGuy57 Members

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    Just heard that the it looks as though the FDA is (finally) going to lift the ban on sexually-active gay men donating blood.

    This move is LONG overdue; this ban had become TOTALLY discriminatory.

    Again, the old double-standard comes into play; take notice how sexually active STRAIGHT men were never barred from donating blood.

    Well, let's that this lifting of the ban will become a reality........

    "Live long and prosper"

    J Mike and thepapasmurph like this.
  14. Suburbanray

    Suburbanray Members

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    Link to activity on the bill. Official text of the bill is in link further down this page.

    Essentially, it federalizes recognition of any marriage, gay, straight, lesbian, bi for anything federal, if performed in a state that approves it.

    I don't know what kind of chaos in specific red states may happen if Obergefell gets overturned, at the state level, if they block gay marriage in a specific state?
    I'm unsure about property rights, parental rights, inheritance rights, taxes filing jointly, etc at the state level, if a state overturns it? Also unsure if couples will be 'grandfathered' in for each state that overturns it? There might be a tier effect of if you were married in that state, you get grandfathered in? Unsure about if married in a different state, and the state you are living in now bans gay marriage? It might depend on the date? Generally, it's very hard to take away specific status you were granted, after the fact.
    But none of this possible chaos can happen unless Obergefell decision is overturned by the Supreme Court, which it has not been. Though there are always several challenges to it at the federal level in the works, thanks to the ability to go judge shopping. It's usually one single jackass in Texas. Same guy who overruled requirement of health plans to cover contraception, and hpv vaccine, and prep.
    KathyL, GrayGuy57 and thepapasmurph like this.
  15. GrayGuy57

    GrayGuy57 Members

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    Politics....of ANY sort.......when it comes to health plans, complicates an even more complex situation with its endless mazes of plans, networks, clauses, deductibles, etc.

    I cannot make heads or tails out of ANY of it, and never will.

    In a PERFECT world, EVERY sate should recognize same-sex marriage, and EVERY state should be "in sync" with all other states, regarding legal rights, healthcare, etc.

    Why such things as inheritance rights, joint taxes, property rights be denied same-sex couples?

    Ah, me.

    Ignorance never ceases to amaze (and disgust) me..........

    "Live long and prosper"
    J Mike likes this.
  16. GrayGuy57

    GrayGuy57 Members

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    It's now official!

    The same-sex marriage bill passed and was signed into law.

    Barney Frank, the first member of Congress to voluntarily come out as gay, attended the historic signing.

    For a change, it is most refreshing to see justice prevail ('Life, Liberty, And The Pursuit of Happiness").....

    "Live long and prosper"
    J Mike and KathyL like this.
  17. thepapasmurph

    thepapasmurph Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    It was very exciting to see the signing with Madame Pelosi - so happy and radiant -
    I know we live in a very polarized climate these days - factions on both sides think they are right - I have been on both sides. Raised in a conservative Democrat family, I tipped more moderate and Republican for a while - heavily influenced by my non-tax-paying church... but once I walked away from that, and especially when I saw there we 16 candidates for president on that side in 2-16 and who did they pick to lead them.
    Much damage has been done in this battle for equality and safety - all over just wanting to be ourselves and live our lives just like everyone else - And this Supreme Court tipping so far right, and laws we knew were difficult for some were changed making it harder for others to live their lives. The Senate and the House knew they needed to do something - And they did it. I am so proud to be on that team. The battles will continue. We must stay strong and aware and speak up for what's best for everyone.
    J Mike likes this.
  18. GrayGuy57

    GrayGuy57 Members

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    I thoroughly agree, my friend........

    We MUST stay STRONG and AWARE and SPEAK up for what is BEST for everyone.

    I have always scratched my head when I would read (from the Constitution) "All men are created equal."

    That meant ALL men, of all colors, races, religions, and orientations.....contrary to what conservative bigots might say to the contrary.

    You are so right; so much senseless damage has been done in the ongoing fight for equality; it is a battle that has NEVER been easy, BUT, when VICTORY is FINALLY achieved, after all of the heartache, heartbreak, and tireless efforts, you will, find, was indeed WITH IT all, in the end.

    It NEVER ceases to amaze me how even the simplest things, such as freedom and equality, are often not to be obtained, without fighting a fierce battle........but, at least, for today, we can all rejoice in having our faith restored in justice.......

    "Live long and prosper"
    J Mike likes this.

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