I got a little White Widow I acquired last night. I smelled the nug and it brought me back to my early weed smoking days. Smells very nostalgic. I really like the smell of this nug. It has taken me back to a place special to me. I haven't slept much but I'm about to get high and drink a cup of tea. I found half a Spirit! Blasted yellow pack... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ymwiIAXqsec I can't seem to remember the code to get the video to appear nice in the post. It's one of those mornings... fairy tales, fine herbs and tea, good music and a fine imagination. You know that's all you need?
I love when weed takes me back to my early smoking days. I'm not the biggest fan of smoking in the morning anymore. Now I prefer to drink tea and read my book first thing when I get up. In any event, enjoy your smoke and your morning.
Sounds like a beautiful morning. Honestly The things I'v remember randomly while smoking have been amazing. It's like a time travel herb lol. I swear depending on what it is I'll remember something from like 15 years ago.
sounds fantastic. I took a couple hits not big one's and worked out then took a bubble bath now surfing on the web listing to YouTube music videos