if you like any of these bands you'll probably like goldfrapp: Portishead lamb massive attack emiliana torrini frou frou tori amos ANYTHING TRIP_HOP lol
I've been a goldfrapp fan for quite a while. If I understand correctly you've just recently heard of them, but have you had a chance to listen to their stuff on felt mountain as well as black cherry?
for some reason goldfrapp also reminds me of glass candy and the shattered theatre. if you get a chance you should check them out. there really isnt any similarities though... i dont know why, when i hear goldfrapp, it reminds me of them.
i've jsut recently bought Goldfrapps blck cherry album.. and yes... its f00king brilliant! Some of the songs on there are so deep and erotic (dunno if thats the right word)... would be an amazing album to get naked too.....beg the pardon... but it would