I am going to Portland, Or. from Baltimore, Md. November 4th, 2014, from there I am going to Coos Bay, to see my brother. I have not been to the west coast in years, and I really need to get away. I am going on a plane, and I am checking out the family in Portland if I can, they have potlucks there. Wish me luck. My brother wants me to move there, but I have much going on in Baltimore. I miss the family, regardless of what has been going on, these past years, we still all need to stick together, these days are strange. I really need a change of scenary from the east coast, I have been here for some time, and some of my family is in Northern Ca I will do the best I can, and I will see what is going on in Or. Peace & BLESSING! lOVE lINDA safleyl@gmail.com