Hey there! IS anyone else thinking about leaving their current place of residence and heading for the frisco coast possibly sometime in June? Or, failing that is anybody already out there who is cool and knows about the apparent national us gathering in humbolt county, or just wants to chill????? If so, then maybe we should make friends real soon because this idea is ticking around inside me head like a time bomb and it would be really cool to see what would happen if i just let it explode like a muthafucka!!!! Um, yeah. I had plans to travel with someone but now I havn't spoken with them in too long and I don't exactly know whats going on. I would like to get down for June tho, bc the rest of my travels need to take place back up here in Canada for july & august and there isn't much time between then and now and to put it bluntly I'm ready to start having some god damn fun already!!!!!!!!!!!!! Do ya hear what Im sayin???
hey, i am actually moving out to Humboldt in June (Arcata, actually). i have never been to a rainbow gathering before - is there going to be one in Humboldt? if so, i would really like to try to go!! could you give me some more information about it? thank you so much
Lol..Just hunt down some hippies in the square downtown or in the redwood park at the edge of town...or a few other places there and they'll give you directions to the ...... Moving into Arcata? Must be lucky. Their housing available is slim...they've got something like a 1.5% vacancy rate in housing in that town...but plenty of houses in crank land right next door (eureka).
Don't know where you are getting your information, but Spring Council (site selection) won't be till 7 June, and the most reliable rumors I have heard talk about the CA/NV border, or maybe the Mt Shasta area.
yes, i did get lucky. i am moving to arcata because i am transferring schools (right now i go to kalamazoo college, but i am transferring to humboldt state). i got an apartment that is practically on campus because i applied really early. i am very excited to move and i hope to make it to the rainbow gathering.
OK I am so foreign to California that I don't know what any of these places you're talking about are I just heard something from a friend in an email about a gathering in northern cali and if I am meant to be there i will see you all there perhaps
I'm transferring to Sonoma myself. I looked at Humboldt just because the area is so nice but they didn't offer all the courses I wanted Randolph.. living in SF is hella expensive, but minimum wage is something like $8.50 to help compensate. I was considering moving right into the Haight Ashbury (where the Dead used to live..birth place of the Summer of Love,etc), but had to reconsider when I realized that the move in costs would run up into 6 grand easy (that doesn't even include the uhaul).
well, me and my boyfriend are actually leaving in about two weeks to go to the humboldt/marin county areas. we'd love to chill with anybody on the road...its my first time on a roadtrip and my first time camping, so i'm trying to make it cool, and get to the gathering as well, so...
ill be back up in arcata in two weeks. it would be groovy to meet some of you kids. ~shine on in love and light~ Sundance
hey terrapin, ill be in arcata in about 3 weeks. do you live there? cause im moving out there and i dont really know anyone.. it would be great to get to know some people out there. maybe we could meet up sometime?
you know that going to california is one of the most beautiful Led Zeppelin songs, if you haven't heard it, get it. I pretty foreign to Cali myself. I would like not to be..I've heard there's good people, with flowers in there hair....
Kindred Spirits! Saturday Morning on May 29th at - 11am - All Kindred Spirits will Meet - We wait for the others out in front of the Jack London Lodge Restaurant area right in the middle of town in Glen Ellen which is just about 45 miles north of the Golden Gate Bridge. From there go north up 101 from the Golden Gate Bridge and somewhere around San Rafael take the HWY 37 exit East towards Vallejo and then after a while you take a left up 121 and go North towards Sonoma and just keep going north and on up Arnold Drive into Glen Ellen.. All are welcome to come who come in good spirit. All Friends of the Sustainable Communities Movement will be welcomed and your voice does need to be heard and appreciated. And this might be one of your best chances to meet up with some of the truly awesome visionaries here within the heart of this entire movement and to begin your own personal journey of finding your Home Place of Peace right here on the Beautiful Mother Earth with some of the other fine folks and amidst many other wonderful projects and opportunities to make the magic work. You bring your own healthy and happy faces to this Meet which is a friendly gathering of Kindred Spirits working towards a collective vision of an Earth Restored And a World at Peace in all different ways. It's all Positive and Constructive. Networking with a Purpose. Collaboration and Companionship is Key. You are welcome to Freely Share your own most elegant wishes and good ideas. This is the place to make your Contributions known and I want you all to be there with us because Freedom Starts right here and forever. This is what the real Magic is all about. We can make it all happen by combining our own intensions to collaborate together. This is also a connecting point for people to make a few real friendships that will last forever. These are just the beginnings. What will happen is that others will connect up with those few who have connected up with us all in good faith and Real Magic will begin to happen. In this way it can begin to grow like a Tree. Then each one of us reaches out to others in many different ways. Where you work. Where you live. Other places. We reach out. This is how the Tree Grows. The Beginning of the Integration of the Kindred Spirits at the Meet is founded upon the Principle that the Integration of the energy generated from the collaboration of like minds, is greater than just the sum of the individual contributors. We are just one branch of this Extremely Elegant new Tree. Do come and take your places within the shelter of one of our many branches. Then we will become a starting point for greater things to come and a place where people can come up for related visits, events and get togethers. We do need to meet. Much Love and Many Blessings to You All. - T