Going into old age hippiness as fast as I can.

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself!' started by Reverend Cleve, Aug 6, 2023.

  1. Reverend Cleve

    Reverend Cleve Newbie

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    I joined the Forums because I saw the discussion of useful written music. I found I had nothing to do during the pandemic so I took up playing an electric guitar. After learning all the chords, it was very evident that I needed to be able to use music theory to write interesting songs, and that required me to learn to read and write music. I learned it and discovered that I had a vast hole in my music because I didn't know how to write for dancing. I learned the basics of choreography. Last weeks music project was to transcribe Robert Schumann's "Traumerie" as a string quartet (2 violins, Viola, and Cello) from piano sheet music. My other comment is: Why are Socialists saying I have too much money to be a hippie? I say, "Why didn't you go to college and graduate like I did?"
    LazyWolf, ~Zen~ and MeAgain like this.
  2. Piobaire

    Piobaire Village Idiot

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    Welcome from North Carolina.
  3. ~Zen~

    ~Zen~ California Tripper Administrator

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    Good news about your musical experiences :) Fun times!

    As far as being a hippy, it's a state of mind not how much money you have. (Or don't have.)
    LazyWolf and scratcho like this.

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