Psalms Just a little while longer, and the wicked will be no more; you will look at where they were,And they will not be there. But the meek will possess the earth, and they will find exquisite delight in the abundance of peace. isaiah They will build houses and live in them, and they will plant vineyards and eat their fruitage. And the work of their hands my chosen ones will enjoy to the full.
If this is true, and god is as wicked as he admits to being in Job 2;3 then you are forecasting the death of god.l It will be nice to get rid of the Christian and Muslim god of war. He is garbage. I don't like that vineyard part though as I live in Northern Canada and grapes cannot grow here. Mind you, with climate change and warning, there might be a chance for us stranger characters as well as the weak pussies. Regards DL
Why? Are you not going against nature and your evolution that want, inadvertently of course, you to be the fittest, which is not usually the meekest. We are in a religious forum and if you are a believer, you are to emulate your god. Is your god the meekest when he brags about being all powerful and Omni-everything? Regards DL
The tongue Is the most unruly member of the body. The heart is treacherous, who could know it? Our of the Mouth the heart speaks in abundance
What one names as wicked the other names as godly. Furthermore to know the godly one must know also the wicked. These divisions are like a great river which forks in it's course. One it was from whence it began, two it is at the moment of decision, one it will be again at it's course's end. Without the boisterous the meek would not know themselves, without the meek the boisterous would have no ear to hear nor sight to see. To claim one the other must be denied but in the claiming both are now dead.
Meek people can be wicked too. The world is not so black and white. And psalms are psalms: a song or hymn of worship. Not an historical account of what God supposedly promised every human being (who believes in Him. Rest are unworthy by default lol. Doubting is wicked apparently)
Humans? Although wicked as in inherently evil is of course a human concept also. Not a divine or natural law or measurement. You are of course free to believe otherwise But if you're publicly sharing your thoughts/beliefs this should always come back to you.
There is good and bad. And as humans we can agree on what is good and what is bad. Sure, there are some grey areas but that is where discernment comes in to play. Ultimately God sets the standards not man In his written word the Bible
Well asmo stole my first answer but here's a few more; jealousy, greed, lust, anger, murder, fear........need I keep goin'? Dammit asmo. Just jokin' good work on the quickdraw Firstly, would you kindly show me an example of something that is "good" & of something that is "bad"? Secondly what evidence do you have for this "his written word" idea?
How is any of that godly? Firstly, would you kindly show me an example of something that is "good" & of something that is "bad"? Secondly what evidence do you have for this "his written word" idea?[/QUOTE] Sure I will show you two scriptures from the Bible. The first will be the fruitage of the Spirit, this is good and the second would be the works of the flesh which is bad
God hung the rainbow as his promise that next time it would be the fire! I'd hate to think what he considers "meek".
Sure I will show you two scriptures from the Bible. The first will be the fruitage of the Spirit, this is good and the second would be the works of the flesh which is bad[/QUOTE] The bible provides us examples of God experiencing each of these. Jealousy Deuteronomy 5:9 Greed gives birth to jealousy therefore one can't have one without the other. Lust is shown also through this in that God lusts after our praise and worship Wrath Deuteronomy 9:7 Murder just look anywhere in the OT Fear Proverbs 9:10 I did not ask for scripture on the question I asked for your own examples